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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Don’t get Angry get Even

It is at lease to say ironic, that Quebec hold all the cards in the end, in that depending on whether the federalist vote will get behind the Conservatives, and elect as many as twelve seats to Government or not holds within it the power to put the Conservatives over the top and into a majority win on January 23rd.

If the furor in “la belle province” is as intense as has been reported with the governing Liberals then it is curious to examine the extent as to how far they will go to punishing the Grits for making them the butt of the nation for their scandalous iniquities concerning Ad Scam.

For if Quebec is looking for a way to express their disgust with “natural governing party” and not get angry, but even, then what better way than to deliver the Conservatives a decisive majority.
This would be as like cold edged steel to the very heart of the Liberal Party of Canada, and one from which “the big red machine” is not likely to recover from for some indeterminable time to come.

Quebec would not have betray their long term aspirations to give Confederation one more chance to make things right, but might also see that westerners are not so much different than themselves, when their wish is to have more control over their own resources and destiny.

A new prosperous Quebec, within a strong new Canada.

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