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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Better the Devil you Know

An old liberal friend told me some time ago that Canadian politics all boils down to a popularity contest.

So now I am left to wonder if Steven Harper's loyalty to Canada supercedes that of Ignatieff’s 34 years of neglect, then why does that by default make Jack Leyton the choice of irrational, emotional women who hate Steven Harper because they fear what they cannot, or dare not say, nor have any evidence to demonize him for the fear they have no evidence of.

Does a women’s choice cause our economy to flat line because of her exclusive right to burn down economically, everything worth protecting and nurturing, because of her own selfish desire to fly in the face of the well being of the country we all profess to love?

Let us examine what we know of the New Democrat party of Canada, shall we?

We know they will profess to be against everything they say the Conservative and Liberals stand for, right, big business profits at the expense of the little guy, right?

Now let us look at how they profess to fund their initiatives, shall we?

They will drive those who would employ all of us, to some more profitable country leaving the Canadian government with an ever dwindling tax base, to fund our vaunted social programs, and in doing so will most certainly cause the social safety net which they profess to protect to fail definitively.

This is what smiling, old and comfortable, Jack Leyton will not tell you in order to get your Anglophone female/ Francophone vote to get elected!

Like the Red Tory Joe Clark (not unlike Brian Mulroney, that liberal in Conservative’s clothing) once said about Jean Chrétien in the 2004 election…

"Better the devil you know than the one you don’t"!!!

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