Ship of Fools
After the architect of undermine, and fracture of the party jumped his own sinking ship, leaving all the deluded faithful to "fend for themselves", the subject of abject scorn and forsaken for his fall from grace, the great leader of the hypocrites touts his alleged grandiose achievements. Ironic is it not, that all of the supposed bastions of liberal outrage and rhetoric have turned away the crowning achievement, of leadership of a party in chaos... Resolute without exception not a one of the old guard,but for a ragtag collection of, one trudeaesque intellectual who supports the Iraq war, two cretien francophones, one so called hard core martinite, and two former liberal moles cleverly disguised as Tories, are all that remain the hopefuls of a party in decay, dissolution, and descent into madness. Most informed opinion has it that Belinda Stronach and Scott Brison have now become the frontrunners in the liberal leadership race, but now each of them are cautiously weighing their support, and the recriminations of actually winning first prize. Each of them wondering if McKenna, Manley, Tobin, and Rock don't covet the regal chalice, then they must know something that we don't right? Wrong, someone must take the fall for the Liberal Party of Canada and who better to assume the sacrificial wooden-headed dummy than Stronach herself, with her superficial fashion following of empty-headed female liberal supporters, who would like nothing better than to trumpet the arrival of the first woman liberal leader of their storied history. This author would advise Ms. Stronach to find the best French language tutor big money can buy, and get ready for six to eight years as a feeble voice in the wilderness, as leader on the opposition benches, after which time the old guard will rear their ugly heads again to usurp her with the long knives of that day! |
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