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Monday, April 03, 2006

Seal Hunting 101

Seal Hunting 101 When legendary household icons of the past and blond TV bimbos busting out of their evening gowns, promoting inhumane anti-sealing rights rubbish... something they know nothing about, names like Sir Paul McCartney, Brigitte Bardot, Alanis Morrisett, and Pamela Anderson are but a few and it's high time they all attended the class of Seal Hunting 101.

If the anti-sealing lobbyists (IFAW) had done their homework they’d know the reason why the hunters use a club instead of a gun. When shot at a seal can escape wounded into the frozen waters only to die a slow painful uncertain death. The leg-hold traps of the past have long been banned, and still the most human way of cull is by the controversial "hakapik".

The Seal population consumes over thirty million fish every year and that figure is taken from our fishing jurisdictions alone, and after all harvesting quotas have been filled.

A large number of those fish are of the cod family and along with the management of those historic stocks which the former Liberal Government's of the Trudeau area whored away to the Russian and Polish drag fleets, who vacuumed off the floor of the Grand Banks, are both directly responsible for our Atlantic fishing fleet having been all but rendered impotent.

Canada is one of five Nations harvesting the seal population; the others include Greenland, Namibia, Norway, and Russia. No one of those five nations has more stringent regulations regarding its seal harvesting procedures. Canada outlawed the killing of "whitecoats" (the cute little white harp seal) and infant hooded seals "bluebacks" over nineteen years ago yet these zealots dreg up those same horrific images, and choose Canada to make the example of their misguided folly.

Why do they repetedly choose our Country to make a scourge of themselves?

Can it be that we are the only one those nations would entertain an ounce of tolerance with their ignorant pursuit of using Canada's influence as a pawn to turn the other sealing harvesters from their murderous ways?

Can it be that these fanatical lobby groups are the operatives of Green Peace and their institutions of monetary funding?

If they are so outraged why not let the celebrity proponents of this movement pool their common wealth together, and pay the seal hunters their wages to stay at home, and not to harvest the seal populace, and that way they can put their big wallets where their vaults of money are, and not the subject of their haughty moral values?

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