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Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Fall Guy

If Scott Brison had a shred of credibility or an once of self-respect he would not only remove himself from the future liberal leadership race, but also resign as MP for Kings-Hants, Nova Scotia.
This is the only honorable thing to do until he is able to extricate himself if that is indeed possible, from the all but certain outcome of his being the “smoking gun” in the income trust scandal.

His selective memory on matters of self-incrimination and his self-denial of the optics in the coinciding of the timing of his emails, to one of the most active income trust bankers in the Country, and the announcement of the repealing of taxation of income trusts by former Liberal Cabinet Minister Ralph Goodale are just too blindingly obvious to be believable.

The shameless leftist media and Parliament are granting him all kinds of latitude on these criminal investigations all while on a witch hunt for the head of David Emerson who has done nothing more than cross the floor of the House of Commons.
An act, which while some have alleged to be unethical is not illegal and not punishable by jail time.

Where was the sanctimonious outrage demonstrate by the media when Scott Brison crossed the floor and increased his salary and prestige, and went from opposition MP to parliamentary secretary, and on to Cabinet Minister of Public Works in the Paul Martin’s government of the day?

On a leading nation news program at 5:00 p.m. est. a smug, arrogant Brison foolishly downplayed his whole investigation into his involvement in the income trust leak, and when questioned what effect this would have on his leadership bid indicated it was just “a bump in the road” of his political future.

Someone should let this goat know that a bump of this magnitude may be his car disappearing over the abyss of a parliamentary rock bluff if, and when he wakes up in hospital tomorrow!

Someone has to take the fall Mr. Brison… and that someone is to you!

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