The Pontiff's Head
Last week the Pope made reference to a 14th century manuscript which Byzantine emperor Manual II Paleologus wrote saying "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached". Does that statement in anyway misrepresent the truth of what the Prophet decried, in only that the infidel must be given a chance to convert to Islam or face death, usually by barbaric beheading? Isn't that exactly what Ahmadinejad did when he sent Bush a several paged letter offering him the chance to convert or suffer the consequences? Is not the design of Islam to be spread through out the world by force if necessary, until there is only a one-world religion? Mosque and State indivisible. Why then if this is the truth are the radical fanatics of fascist Islam running through the streets shaking their fists, burning Christian churches, and killing an innocent Nunn? Is the strength of the truth of what the Pope has revealed so threatening that these savages must vent their fury in such a murderous rampage? This kind of reaction to mere words does little to foster the image that Islam is a peaceful and gentle faith. The Pope has recently been desperately warned not to visit Turkey, as there is a plot afoot to have him assassinated if he dares go there. Why must the Pontiff be humbled, repeatedly groveling for the forgiveness of those who if given the chance, would have his head on a stake outside the walls of their city? |
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