Torpedoed Again
The mainstream media never misses a chance to attempt to torpedo the PM when ever and wherever possible for not sucking up to their good graces, and so once again the media in concert with the left and extreme left critics denounce the absence of Harper from the International Conference on Aids. Reports have been coming in all week that Harper... that soulless insensitive, is a homophobe, and their inferences that his snub is all but tantamount to condemning the moral outcasts to the purgatory they deserve. Such is the perception they wish him to be viewed. The optics they wish him to be scorned by. When Bill Gates addressed the great conflagration of hypocrites this week about the single most common denominator of control and arrest of acquired immune deficiency syndrome... "abstinence", the greater presence there voiced their disapproval and continued ignorance to a chorus of Boo’s. Just because sexual enjoyment is well known to be impeded by the use of a condom is no excuse for the reckless abandon of it's non usage, and abdication of ones responsibilities to the sexual healthy of your partner or your own self. The odds of contracting of the disease and possible death are greater than playing Russian roulette. The world can no longer use the excuse that even the most primitive tribalism on the African Continent, have not been offered the education of the safety in the use of the condom. Meanwhile the Prime Minister is vilified for taking a stand on and concentrating his summer months out of parliament unifying our Arctic sovereignty, so as we might make a statement to the rest of the world that those Countries such as Denmark and it's audacious claim to our international boundaries can and will not be recognized or tolerated. Where do you stand on the greater truth of his leadership? |
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