Snake Oil Salesmen
The Liberal Party of Canada…the great party of grand malfeasance… Opposition parties to a man claim that the PM lost the confidence of the house after introducing a number of cost savings measures in the autumn update two weeks ago today. How can the Prime Minister have lost the confidence of the house when it is painfully clear and already proven beyond a doubt, that the knives had been out for his blood as early as three days after the last election? They had no confidence in him to loose to begin with! Micheal Ignatieff’s irresponsible and frivolous statements that Steven Harper’s politics are divisive are incendiary and outrageous! Why does the MSM allow the LPC to suck and blow with the same breath in such transparent audacity without loosing all credibility. that they are the real culprits as the party of division in this Country? The same party who attempted to usurp power through the unelected back door means of a Coalition with the NDP, by making a deal with the devil himself the separatists Bloq Quebecois. Last week they were a coalition who wanted to foist Stephane Dion upon all Canadians as defacto Prime Minister, should Harper have failed to convince the Governor General to prorogue Parliament. The same Stephane Dion who was unceremoniously dumped this week by the unscrupulous Grits, now they have tasted the bitter fury of the Canadian tongue over their ill-conceived marriage of convenience with the enemies of democracy. When will some of this filthy duplicity stick to these shameless chameleon? Is it not Ignatieff who was only just coronated as liberal leader in the most undemocratic, exclusive, and divisive of ways inside his own party no less? Until the LPC decides to drop the tawdry parlor theatrics, and playing the same shameful partisan politics it condemns Harper of being guilty of, the liberals will remain the party of division, broke, and standing for nothing, a party of snake oil salesmen, with a cunning snake as its head. |
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