Carbon Tax Grab (Green Shaft)
What is it about Canadians and taxes??? For sixty-six percent of the walking brain dead in this Country the thought of railing at the blasphemous proposal of a “Carbon Tax” seems to be somewhat less than an afterthought. We of course shouldn’t be surprised when “the naturally governing party” wishes to impose yet another tax to replace the reduced 2% GST so as they can wrap themselves in the green flag of the environment, and pose for a photo opt as the champions of the true friends of the earth. Why is that never is enough when it comes to another tax which none of us can afford, least of all the working poor who are getting further, and further into debt just trying to hold up the decaying foundation of a Country trying to be all things to everyone, at the ultimate cost of it’s own well-being. Please turn back the clock to a time when we had enough common sense to realize what was possible, and then what was more likely probable. Why does my skin blanch and I get this queasy feeling in my stomach when I think that this sort of thing will going over big with Canadians, who are too ignorant to know that this is just another tax grab which will neither benefit the so called enemy “Carbon-based Greenhouse Gases”, nor the economy which the media purports to be so preoccupied with on a daily base. So why do I get the feeling I’m like a cow about to be milked one too many times, or a bull being led by the ring in its nose, to a slaughter it's helpless to avoid? Or is it that when you are surrounded by cattle it is more advisable to move with the heard rather than against it, for fear of being trampled underfoot of the stampede of vacant minded fools? |
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