Tigers Cornered And Caged
It is truly refreshing to see a government with enough courage to back up their words with the appropriate actions and not just the usual lip serviceā¦ So it is with the new Conservative Government as they made it official and condemned the murderous machinations of Tamil Tigers, by cutting off their funding and adding them to Canada's list of known terrorist organizations. Since long before attacks on the World Trade Center the official Opposition has criticized successive Liberal Governments for refusing to denounce the Tamils organization. No wonder Canada has been up until now regarded as harboring criminal terrorists. Gone is the hypocrisy of the criminal Liberal party's protection of Tamils by those like Paul Martin, who was reported as having shamelessly attended their fundraising dinners in order to curry the favor of their ethnic vote. The old Liberal cowardice of refusing to deal with dangerous criminal elements amounted to nothing less than openly aiding and abetting terrorism. "Their tactics have included dozens of suicide bombings and political assassinations, as well as ethnic cleansing of Muslims and recruitment of child soldiers". The LTTE have press children into serving their fanatical armed rebellion for over two decades, at the cost of their youthful lives lost in their insane campaign for Sri Lanka's succession from India. http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=133d7aa1-e31d-4db7-85ef-c51da4bb04be Indeed their desire for sovereignty rivals that of our own separatists, less the intensity of violence (since the days of the FLQ). Let it serve as a chilling reminder that if we endorse other countries rebels, we may find that this same folly may be visited upon our own country one day. |
Comments on "Tigers Cornered And Caged"
"insane campaign for Sri Lanka's succession from India."
Man, you are clueless.