Zaccardelli's days numbered?
Is it time to sack Giuliano Zaccardelli? As Commissioner and top cop of the RCMP, he has been accountable for nothing but the bungling of multitudes of criminal investigations dating back as far the Human Resources Department of Canada boondoggle. Where did the money go? Was there ever anyone prosecuted? Then there were the thirteen ever-ongoing investigations into the "Shawinigate" scandal. The handling of the François Beaudoin affair and the deal cut by Chretien on the back of a dinner napkin. Nothing of any really significance was solved but a huge bill to taxpayers. Then lo and behold allegations that the RCMP were among those who allegedly accepted Sponsorship gratuities in return for what? To dummy up and play the incompetent, and keep their mouths shut? Next was the Scott Brison income trusts scandal Surely you cannot believe that there was any real investigation into of this travesty of justice much less punitive charges come out of it. God no, how stupid I forgot... Zacardelli was a Liberal appointee. The latest and greatest is the Maher Arar fiasco created under the Liberal's ever watchless eye after 9/11. How could the RCMP be so inept, to have the delivered Arar into the already highly agitated, and still in the state of shell-shocked, Americans without having done all their homework on the man. Undoubtedly Zaccardelli has not been terminated yet because Arar has already a law suit the against the Canadian Government, so dispatching him at this point would be a admission of guilt, and an apology will not be forth coming from the PM until all the facts are weighed very carefully. Notwithstanding... I suspect Commissioner Zaccardelli's days are numbered! |
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