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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Kyoto No!

Anyone remember "Here Come the Seventies"?

Here Come the Seventies was originally a wildly speculative CTV television show from 1970.

In that television program exposé we were made fully aware by environmentalist of the time how the course of our then present actions, would have serious ramifications and what the costs of failing to act on our future would subject us to. We had apple time to act then but didn't, and thus have left it until the eleventh hour.

Instead only now the left of centre, and extreme left move to circumvent the situation, which we find ourselves in, the truth is since that time Canadians have had twenty-nine years of Liberal administration, and a total of nine years of Tories government to act on those imminent realities.

Only this week the maligned and beleaguered Brian Mulroney was held in high regard for his historic achievements and influence concerning his commitments to the Montreal Protocol, Acid Rain and being the progenitor of Kyoto, by none other than the elitist left.

Who then has to be held as the party of neglect and irresponsibility?

Who are the ones who should have been rightfully charged with continued abuse of the environment?

Before you get the impression that I'm waxing poetic in behalf of Mulroney I must make one thing perfectly clear and that is that I believe the Kyoto accord to be a flawed and regressive pact, which should no longer be pursued but scraped entirely.

Let us go back into the Earth's history to illustrate my point.
Where I live is what is known as the Laurentian Shield and has been proven by fossil remains to be carbon dated to the rock of the Precambrian Era (between 4.5 billion and 540 million years ago) and once existed under a tropical sea.

There is also extensive evidence from ice core samples from the Antarctic that indicate that the World has under gone repeated periods of intense solar activity every so many thousand measured years of the sun's cyclic history.
This truth exposes the falsehoods of global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions as nothing less than ignorant and misguided tripe.

Remember the panic over Y2K? What a pack of lies it was and how it made enough capital to buy Mercedes Benzes for those who were purported as the gurus of the cobalt mainframe bottom layer.
Well this lie is even more bogus and it appears as if this distortion has been propagated as fodder for socialist monetary gain.

Who would have ever thought that Suzuki was a capitalist rip-off? This is the same Suzuki that sucks at the same time he blows, by his eminent warnings that the melting of the icecaps will flood the entire Earth, and that the same the phenomena will also dry up all the rivers, lakes and oceans of the planet.

This would take a red giant to occur in order for that kind of truth to be upheld. It seems that because Suzuki exposes it then it must be true right?
How does Suzuki reconcile this in the context of the possibility of nuclear winter, or the second ice age, which was predicted by computer models as far back as 1976? Preposterous and absolute drivel by a parasitic, gibbering idiot!

Let's start with the Clean Air/Clean Water act, and Ethanol 85 and cut the crap with the Kyoto nonsense that quite frankly none of us can afford.

The same rhetoric that drives the socialist left, and their colluding media to gnash their teeth, and gnaw on their own tongues.

Start making sense or get off the bus!

Don’t take my word for read what the father of this whole scam (Claude Allegre) has to say about it now!

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