Nuclear Horror
It is of great concern to me and it should be to the rest of the world that it is increasingly alarming that if there it a clear and present threat to global security it shall come from one or more of the unstable and volatile countries such as North Korea, Iran, or Pakistan. We have no lack of abundance when it comes to nutcases like Kim Jong-il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or most worrisome of all would have to be Osama bin Laden himself in a jihadi take over of Pakistan’s nuclear capability, which is the most likely of scenarios. Why else has he made his refuge the Afghanistan / Pakistan Himalayan mountain border? You needn’t wonder why the main insurgence of Taliban are issuing forth from just this location where he is familier with, and largely repelled the Soviet army nine times under the leadership of Ahmad Shah Massoud, in the Panjshir Valley in the 1980s as one of the US trained Mujahideen. So it is that he hopes to kill as many of the UN collision forces including and leading the fight, Canada. He already has always owned a major following of Taliban in Pakistan where they owe their origins to, who will cut every throat of any and all who dare to oppose him. They who will seek to overthrow Gen. Pervez Musharraf. They who wait patiently to mobilize their fanatics of terror at all but his nod, their greatest hope to secure a nuclear capability and the means to deliver it’s horror. It is my belief that it will be our elite troops who will find and erase the World of his scourge if anyone can! |
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