The Man Between
Every one of us forgets little things from time to time, but in the case of Jacques Corriveau one might be forced to admit to a memory blank of this magnitude Justice Gomery is suggesting, is tantamount to perjury in its fullest extent of the law The former Prime Minister can have his comedy act of all the “small town cheap” Presidents with their name emblazoned upon the golf balls that he can muster, but he cannot hope to extricate himself from the main man who stood to gain the most from his role of opening the doors of influence to the then Liberal Government. “Jacques Corriveau, a close associate of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, said he had a medical condition that affected his memory, and he continually responded "I don't remember," much to the frustration of the inquiry lawyers". “Previously a guest at 24 Sussex Drive when Mr. Chrétien was in power, Mr. Corriveau was cited for misconduct by Judge Geometry’s report for the kickback scheme he operated with ad firms and the Liberal party”. “ Mr. Corriveau and nine others fingered in the report were being banned from the Liberal Party of Canada for life”. Jacques Corriveau has been said to be the only one who could be found in bed between John Chrétien and his wife when it came to intimate with the former PM. The true question remains who was really better for you Jean... Jacques or Aline ? Ostensibly Justice John Gomery and the Canadian Public were the only ones who really got screwed! |
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