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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Chucky Goes to Club Fed

Now that Charles "Chuck" Guite has been convicted and sentence by a Quebec Superior Court Justice to three and a half years in prison, this is the usual soft mushy social false bottom served up with liberal predictability.

I think this kind of misguided leniency by the Justice system is one of the reasons that our system is open to abuse and corruption. This crook should have gotten fifteen to twenty years minimum and make an example of him.

The AdScam moneies which were awarded the Quebec entity know only as Group Action, has gone missing, and are still unacounted for...
As far back as 2003 Chucky boy had been reported by a well known Ottawa radio station as having been seen, at the airport leaving the country with suitcases (of taxpayers money?) for the Caribbean.

We all know there's more chance he won't even do his full term because of the bleeding- heart parole board, and once he's out it's off to his unnumbered account in the Caymans.
Our 1.5 million has been accruing interest compounding daily since '03, leaving him on easy street for rest of his days if we let him walk.


The government should attempt to recover the misappropriated funds by tracking his every move after his release.

If these are the only consequences one must bare for the defrauding the federal Government of public funds, then more and more people will be convinced that the feather-light penalties of dishonesty, certainly far outweigh the benefits of honest, and ethical behavior.

Follow Chucky's trail!

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