Hoof in Mouth Desease
Once again Michael Ignatieff has been made to swallow up his ruminations on the laying of blame for the contracted Middle East war between Israel and Lebanon. Fool that he is after commenting originally (''This is the kind of dirty war you're in when you have to do this and I'm not losing sleep about that") that the deaths of numerous innocents in Qana last August was not deplorable, in an unprecedented flip-flop of policy now charges the same Israelis of "War Crimes" against humanity. http://tinyurl.com/ymfhlk What he leaves conveniently out of the equation is that Hezbolla purposefully targeted those same innocents, firing rockets on Haifa from mobile Katyushas, deliberately knowing that any retaliatory strikes from Israel would be see in the eyes of the world as infamy. Now in complete damage control he once again reverses his stance saying he will go where he has been many times before, to the middle east and find out first hand what the truth might really be. http://tinyurl.com/wsybo Meanwhile the in- the- pocket of Taliban Jack socialist media, the Prime Minister has been criticized as out of form, and that of a member of parliament's status in stating that during the whole mid-east crisis the liberals were offside, fence-sitters, or no where to be seen on the topic of true leadership. Prime Minister Harper fast to his word and to this day came out first, to his credit in the commendation of Hezbollah from the outset, long before President Bush took his lead from Harper, and not as the mainstream leftist media would have you believe that Harper is but a pawn of the Bush administration. The claims of the sucking socialist skanks are at best ultimately false and diminutively laughable! |
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