Political Suicide
The Liberal Party of Canada already bitterly divided over support for the war in Afghanistan, now has endeavored to put the finishing nails in it's own coffin, as the party is reportedly close to officially advocating that Quebec be recognized as a Nation within Canada. http://tinyurl.com/wkjva Marc Garneau, former Canadian astronaut being the voice leading the charge of lemmings over the edge of the political abyss. The separatists in Quebec rubbing their hands together, and smacking their lips at the coming feast cannot believe their great good fortunes, as sovereignist elements within the Quebec wing of the Liberals conspire to doom the party to its inevitable political suicide. Only a party that has a death wish in the next election would be so bereft of good judgment, as to wish to open the constitution debate, and ensuing legal wrangling that is bound to follow on it heels. To the average Canadian this smacks of the "Meach Lake/Charlottetown Accords", as the two failed packs ominously rang Brian Mulroony's death knell. This whole new digusting development out of the LPC is nothing but an overt attempt to curry favor with the Parti Quebecois voter in the coming federal elections, risking the health of the unity of the Country, proving once again there is no new low water mark that Liberals are not willing to descend to. |
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