Flag Flap
Why is it so hard for 49% of Canadians polled and the opposition parties to honor the traditional military view of lowering our flag once a year on the day we honor all our war dead and those that have sacrificed their very lives so that we have the right to debate about this misguided nonsense? The opposition to this whole kafuffle is really about the resistance to the ideology of being at war with anyone no matter the cause. So that if those over zealous, pseudo dramatists can’t have some statistic of body bags to point at, whip themselves into a lather over, wrap themselves in the flag of what they wish to be perceived as anti- American symbolism they rail at the first signs of true leadership. So it is that the hypocrisy of the hippie turned yuppie baby boomers, having never had to served their Country in a war to preserved the right to their own freedom and their children’s children, think it is their god given right to this thing they think there are the champions of…peace in the world. It was unanimously agreed upon by Parliament to lower our flag to half mast the day this war began, on September 11th, 2001 to grieve the loss of 2,595 lives were lost including 24 Canadians. A cataclysmic turning point of that magnitude in mankind’s history warranted extra ordinary events. The lowering of the our flag on the Peace Tower should take the greater significance of only taking place when events occur commemorating the greatest of tragedies, and foremost at the 11th hour, on the 11th day, on the 11th month of every year, as long as our free world exists. Thus all of those who fell in battle to preserve our freedom be honored, cherish and respected together as one unit, one cause, one flag, and one ideal. |
Comments on "Flag Flap"
Right on. I have no respect for those making headlines over this issue. They pit family against family which is so typically Liberal to score points in an attempt to embarrass the Conservatives.