Hidden Agenda
So the left wants universal daycare... After the mess they have made of health care one can only speculate the vortex they intend to centrafuge us to with the so called nanny state! The socialist combine has had thirteen years together to make that monotonous vomit into reality, they were not able to work out universal contracts of equal duration among the Provinces, so the program was never fully realized or implemented properly. So now that the Tories have taken the reigns of power the left’s transparent efforts to undermine and unseat a Government in power just over 100 days amount to nothing more than saber rattling and shameless opportunism. "Conviction" does not take thirteen years to manifest itself if there is the true political will to support it. If this was of such tantamount importance why then have Canadian families for the last decade and nearly a half, who’s choice it was to sacrifice less income to support itself been penalized on every liberal tax day, for having the audacity to have one parent stay at home to raise their own flesh and blood? Why have those same families been arbitrarily forced to subsidize the children of families who follow the socialist’s agenda of having their child being raised by strangers of questionable character? It is to support a totalitarianist regime that propagates its own survival by recklessly and the unethically burning our savings at the increase of liberal friendly kickback shcemes. By keeping our focus on basic survival of the family and keeping the wolf from our door, the big red machine manipulates the conditions necessary to make two parents to work overtime wearing out our resolve, and the will to focus on anything but keeping our jobs. Using the example of those of us committed to choice and free will they work to mark us with the stigma that a parent who tireless, and endless working to clean house and raise, and nurture a family is of next to valueless and slothful because it does not submit to the over taxation to futher that of the socialist agenda. This serves the enemy in a twofold attack… By creating a society too busy trying to survive a day-to-day existence under their crushing burden of continuous contributions there is little or no time left to raise a family. Gone are the days of five and ten family member units. The hidden agenda for twenty-nine years of socialist rule has directly impacted our ability to control our own productivity so thus the need for dangerously high and unscreened immigration, more often than not perpetrating criminal gangs, drugs, and violent gun crime, and the trafficking of human bondage, than addressing our need for menial labor. The other prong being the indoctrination of our youth through a national daycare program into their Platonistic, parasitic, ideology and will use any and all sacrificial means to keep, or regain their former power over our destinies. As wards of the state their Stalanist wish is our children will be raised, educated, in their most formative years to accept and become the tool of left, while there will be no longer any skilled or working poor left to support the crumbling structural foundation that is known as Canada... We will have become "like a ripe plumb, ready to fall". |
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