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Friday, December 01, 2006

Liberals Cannibalize Their Own

Not content to have been the devil's pawn in furnishing the instrument of renewed unrest in the tale of two Canadas the Liberal curs continue to foment the latest foul broth of the mother of all crones.

After having accused the Conservatives of getting cozy with the "Ugly Americans" the hypocrite Grits are quite willing to jump into bed with Howard Dean of the Liberal want-to-be Democrats, while the filthy main stream media laps it up like an alcoholic's lusts after another “Aqua Velva chaser”.

If the shoe had been on the other foot and John McCain was to have been the keynote speaker at a Conservative convention the hue and cry of the left worshipping media, the din of which would have risen to the very heavens, was conversely mute by the testimony as to its own contemptable corruption.

So who will it be, Micheal Ignatieff the interloper and destroyer or Bob Rae the goat herder and bankrupter of nations?

Or will the two whelps of Trudeau help be the kingmakers they think they are born to be? Yesterday it was Kennedy making Dion the surprise of the convention, now the twisted CBC has Dion making Kenney the winner of losers of the LPC.

I say losers because they are the bottom feeders of the Liberal party of Canada.
While McKenna, Tobin, Manley and Rock let the lesser fools make Harper look good and fill the years of opposition before they rear their ugly head in Parliament again.
They have already conceded the next election to the PM.

Remember that it will be the Stronach type money that will fund the next election and it will be up to Harper’s attention to detail that will carry the day.

If national unity is the issue in the next national election then I fear for the Liberals for the fact that they no longer have anyone credible to fill the void of their leadership vacuum, giving a decided edge to Harper and a foot on the jugular of the enemy's throat, and the way back into the 21st Century for us all.

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