All this hysteria driven by the main stream media about the socialist greening buzz words like global warming/ climate change and the self-loathing over our negligence of the environment. I find it a little bit disingenuous to be beating our chest, ringing our hands, and gnashing our teeth in lamentation at the eleventh hour over what was conveniently glossed over and made unimportant until there is no snow to shovel from the walkway, here in eastern Ontario. http://www.canadafreepress.com/2007/global-warming020507.htm The great engine of this green trust are really zelaots Dr. David Suzuki (Dr. of Zoology and not of Climatology), Elizabeth May of the fledgling Green Party, and of course trying to take the credit for this monumental platitude the man who could neither achieve the 2006, CO2 emissions targets but came in 30% higher than our neighbors to the south who opted out of Kyoto. Yes Stephane Dion can blow his trumpet of doom, admonishing whoever ignorant will listen, but he cannot run from his own record of abject failure which will follow him into the next election. What a perfect distraction for a severely divided party from having no record of having passed anything in the last 13 years but gay marriage, deviod of vision and no official unified foreign policy for the Country. Before the earliest records went kept our world has experienced the reality of warmer and cooler than usual shifts in weather. In 1936 we had we set the record as having the warmest January on record this century, a record still not eclipsed by this years weather patterns. I’m sure their petrol driven horseless carriages were to blame for that, right? http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=33 Where does El Nino fit into their little "perfect storm" senario, or was it conveniently overlooked so as the chicken-little opposition parties can cry that the sky is falling because the Tories opted out of the Kyoto protocol? Here is the issue they have seized upon for lack of any real substance of poor performance of the Government, though their only professed scientific “proof” of the greenhouse effect comes from Europe, and western Asia. There is a landslide of scientific evidence to refute their findings as well. Renouned professors of the earth sciences who's expertise, through isotopic ice core samples and satelite photography of the ice caps prove that in the last century 90% of the shelf that has melted to date 60% melted before 1963 and only 30% in the last 44 years, and have since began to slow their pace, conversely to what Euro science indicates . http://www.cen.ulaval.ca/warwickvincent/PDFfiles/175.pdf Of course the evil sensationalist media who wish to torpedo Harper's inhospitable Government, would only be too happy to see the Conservative go to the bottom like the Titanic so they, like the opposition parties are on this issue like a dog with a bone. Only question remaining is which of these curs will have to be dewormed first? |
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