Liberal Hypocrisy
You’d think that the Liberal Party of Canada would consider it a feather in their cap to have the Conservatives adopt similar initiatives to that of the Grits past policies, but as usual they’re making an intolerable stink about the Conservative ripping off their proposals in renewable power, “wind, solar, tidal, geothermal and biomass energy.” It was an NDP dream of Tommy Douglas, the father of what we have cherished for decades as Canadian Heath Care, whom the Liberals gave their legislation begrudgingly to, and went on to be creadited for the apirations of another political party. It truly is laughabley outrageous as the hypocracy of the source of the objection is none other than the well know masters of theiving other parties clever ideas and incentives, and smugly taking the credit for them. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they roil indignantly under the sting of being the victim, instead of the perpetrator of their infamous past larcenies, and like not a taste of their own medicine. In 1993 Jean Cretien campaighned on replacing the GST and tearing up NAFTA if elected to power, but convieniently made them a continued liberal party policy after the election was won. When the Reform Party of Canada held the governing Liberals feet to the fire over the balancing the budget and paying down the debt in 1998, the Grits were all smiles and pride at trumpeting their grand accomplishments as if they had always been the champions of fiscal responsibility, since the modern day architech of budget-deficits of the 1970’s... Pierre Trudeau. If the Fedral Liberals are so shocked at having their noses put out of joint by their antithesis, then maybe they should go have a good hard look at themselves in the mirror, before they cry foul about having their alleged initiative ripped from them. In the end they count on the same myopic senile public to by into their sad sympathy as the case, as they do the years of unfulfilled promises and berievment of their own ideas for those they stole from others. |
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