The Science of Fudging the Polls
What is in a poll anyway? All that is conclusive is that one poll yesterday showing a certain set of voter tendencies is contradicted by a different pollster a couple of days later, and the result so conversely divergent that that all that can be ascertained is they cancel each other out. Polls can be skewed to misrepresent the facts by the way the question is posed and the consensus wished to be formed. If we wish to achieve a certain poll percentage result, then it is only a matter of getting those polled to respond to a measured probability of hypothetical behavior. Now the great and wizened spin Dr.’s are telling us that the polls are indicating the so called “attack ads” are not causing the Tories numbers to rise, but conversely those who have become disenchanted with the true facts about Dion's pitiful record on the environment, are going to the NPD and the Green Party or at least they would like to spin it to that fashion. How is it they are conservative attacks if the ads are excerpts from the recent liberal leadership hopefuls, who are denouncing their own leader on his past record? Fudging the facts? You decide! |
Comments on "The Science of Fudging the Polls"
i don't think the conservative adds would convince anyone of anything other then that the conservatives are dumb enough to think such adds would be effective.