Howling of Jackals
The Prime Minister criticized as being every thing from pawn of the big oil interests to a climate change denier, can do no right when it comes to silencing his detractors. If he chooses to give any other matter but the environment to turn his attentions to, he is as good as lynched by the green mob on Parliament Hill and main stream media hypocrites whose passion for this agenda has become an outlet or their own personal war with the PM. If he spends 520 million at creating a made-in-Canada solution to the Yuppy environmental abuses and neglect of the last thirty years, he is denounced as merely repackaging environmental projects previously proposed as being Liberal ideas dropped by the Tories from their last federal budget. The other popular attack is that he is blatantly electioneering his own governments defeat, dolling out goodies to the provinces and territories equally as he said he would do in addressing the fiscal imbalance, created by the Chrétien/Martin liberals in the first place. The Grits are mad as wet hens at the thought of Harper shinning at the credit for spending their ill begotten “slush funds” they worked to hard to hide and attempted to keep at arms length of the Auditor-General’s scrutiny. No, better it be funneled back into liberal coffers be used to re-elect the naturally governing party, in the next general election or find it’s way to liberal friendly ad agencies and grit ground supporters, rather than back to those to whom it was stolen from in the first place, the Canadian tax-payer. No don’t give the Prime Minister any credit for doing the right thing for the Country and for a much too long over-due change in the philosophy of Canadian politics. That is by putting Canada’s interests and Canadian’s benefits ahead of petty partisan gains and corruption of our national institutions. |
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