Oh Danny Boy your Pipes are Whining
What’s with Danny Williams, does he think he runs Ottawa by the outrage of his proxy? Up until the 2004 general election and Steven Harper’s newly minted proposal that Newfoundland be allowed to keep the lion’s share of proceeds of her non-renewable resources, the Liberals were quite happy to take all her money into the federal coffers for the unforeseeable future but for the PM’s generous offer. It was the footsteps of Paul Marten that could be heard racing to the deal to anti-up the pot. Then in typical fashion the liberals were the ones who reneged on the deal. Williams then bellyached until he literally shamed martin into compliance. I don’t remember the Harper pledging any such deal in the 2006 election probably for the fact that Atlantic Canada has been the kept women of the Liberal Party of Canada since 1867 and doesn’t plan on changing her ways any time soon. The hard reality of governing such a diverse Country with so highly regionalized interests is there is only one pot, and one must have priorities when doling out the goods on budget day. The PM said he would deal with the fiscal imbalance created by Martin under the Chrétien liberals and he did so. Danny Williams got Newfoundland’s fair share of the Federal transfer payments based on the current formula of what she gives into, and what she get out of Confederation in return. Problem is Danny Williams wants his cake and eat it too. http://www.thestar.com/article/197080 Go ahead Danny; spend your share of the spoils on an expensive ad campaign targeting Harper as the betrayer, but you won’t be changing one vote that wasn’t decided already. The next thing you know he’ll be threatening to pull Newfoundland out of confederation! Come to think of it Danny... you could always take down all your Canadian flags again. This from the same politian who once proposed to metre the air Newfoundlanders breathed! http://labradore.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html |
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