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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Pashtun

Just like the diseased vermin they are the Taliban scum have not the courage or moral conviction of they beliefs to fight an honest war with the NATO troops as they fan out, their strongholds being routed out, their design is to blend into the civilian populous, threatening the innocents like the menacing dogs they realy are.

Happy to sacrifice those whose only desire is to know the blessed warmth of the rays of peace and tranquility they have so desparately longed for and always been denied, the cowardice of the weaklings knowing the end is near now atttempt to discredit the Allies into taking out hundreds of villagers to save their sorry assses from oblivion.

No one holds them to a higher standard as is the case for our devoted, and long labouring troops, and their efforts to make a difference to the lives of those whose country was ravaged by the cluster, daisey-cutter, and bunker busting bombs, reducing their country back to the stone-age yet again.

Now the good fight is protect the dam that supplies the villages of the Pashawar Valley long dominated by the Packistani Taliban with electric power that will light hundreds of their people’s hearts with the life and hope that may change their existance.

My feelings are if we are impossed upon to extend our missions end passed 2009, then we allowed go on to humanitarian endevors only, and demand that other NATO members get in path of harms way for a change and stop dragging their feet, and start to pull their own weight for a change.

They know who they are… otherwize we hold their feet to the fire and endure the sreaking incriminations when we call their bluff and leave.

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