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Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Black Widow

Is anyone really shocked by the sudden departure of the black widow that turned chameleon, of Canadian politics?

She whom many have claimed was supposed to have been the catalyst in uniting the right, but more likely entertained designs of the usury of Steven Harper and Peter McKay, to furnish the perceived vessel, and though her father’s money and influence she sought to become leader of.

Arriving on the scene as the media darling “a breath of fresh air” amongst the fetid stench of the sleazy liberal politics, she was touted as the long overdue breakthrough for women in politics.

It wasn’t long before she was throwing lavish parties with the who’s who of the Tory world serving up blue color martinis and smoozing her way into any riding associations
she though she could seduce along the way to the leadership bid.

Coming off as wooden and having limited or rehearsed responses to questions, and severely disadvantaged by her lack ability to communicate in French, she fell to the polish and professional leadership qualities of a discernable PM in waiting.

Not having the grace or dignity to support her leader she continued to presume upon Steven Harper’s patience until she was called to Stornoway, in which there ensued a terrible row where it was alleged she was ultimately told she would “never be leader of the CPC.”

Not long afterward the rancorous harpy bared her vicious teeth before two key confidence votes on its 2005 budget were due to be decided by Parliament, sinking her steely claws into Harper’s back and crossing the floor to take a ministerial portfolio in Paul Martin’s government, and saved it’s teetering topple into the abyss of a spring election in 2005.

Too add fuel to her depraved lust to burn Harper to the ground she was reported to have been dancing, inebriated on the speakers into the wee hours on Sussex Street, where the Party was holding a victory bash in honor of what would become the Government’s seven month stay of execution.

When it became evident that old boys network of the liberal party had no intentions to wage a democratic leadership convention, as always in their regressive tradition to select corruptible delegates, Stronach became disillusioned, and disenchanted in her new role relegated to languish on the back benches of obscurity.

With the advent of Stephane Dion the new leader of the LPC and the likelihood of loosing the next election and further years of opposition it was obvious she was no longer willing to pay her dues the hard way and work her way to the top.

Her introduction as neophyte into the cynical syndrome of Canadian politics was a painful learning experience, but one thing remains abundantly clear and that is she had no such intentions to “serve the public” or her constituents of Newmarket-Aurora.

Her real intentions were in the end one and the same as what they were in the beginning, nothing more than shameless, crass, self-serving ambition.

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