Pot Calls Kettle Black
I grant that on the surface the Prime Minister appears to be guilty in part to many of the criticisms alleged which he as Opposition leader condemned the Liberals to... The PM's vaulted accountability act being his first and foremost desire to pass into legislation before this parliament’s session is out, has been criticized as having too many loopholes in it and allowing lobbyist a revolving door to the influence of Government. The opposition party’s mellow dramatic act of insinuating the Conservative are at the same time appearing to have the optics of cleaning up Government, while not making available the means to do so is laughable. They know full well legislation will not proceed until the act undergoes the scrutiny and amendments by parliamentary committee as it should, but to imply that the Government has purposefully built into its act its own exclusion is disrespectful, adversarial and just plain dishonest! To further distort the spirit of the truth the Opposition tries to portray the Information Commission’s findings as grounds to chastise, and alleges the Government attempts to make less transparent the Government's actions are worse than the last corruption of Liberals. The Conservatives claim that they met with the Information Commissioner in an attempt to amend any dispute by any means to the ultimate end...improve transparency of Government accountability. Their explanation was met with condemnation, and stood accused of misleading Parliament. The latest flap is that after Harper made a big deal about bureaucrats and Parliamentarians excepting gifts, his own Cabinet and MPs are up to the same game now that they are in power, the essential difference being the PM paid for his own tickets to the hockey game Monday night, and each and every one who accepted gifts of under $200.00 dollars were required to register them with the Ethics Commissioner for approval, and permission that by doing so, they did not leave themselves open to ethical compromise. I am aware Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition’s function is to oppose Government policy, but the spirit of doing what’s right for the nation has obviously been dumbed down to the point of petty partisanship on behalf of the opposition party. They are hardly in a position to hold court on the subject ethics and integrity. |
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