Long Gun Fiasco
The official Opposition have asked an investigation into allegations that someone leaked documents that the former Liberal Government deliberately buried the true wasteful and reprehensible flushing of 100s of millions tax dollars with intent to deceive Parliament and the public, although the Auditor General herself sees no breach of the law that would require her to report this incident to the RCMP. An obvious attempt to obscure the fact the previous Government has been caught again with their pants down, cooking the books and intentionally misleading Parliament as to why the coats of administering a program that jumped from $32,000, 000.00 to $90,000,000.00 dollars in the early years of implementation, and why the computerized data based tracking system still didn’t work. The project which was meant to cost approximately $119 million ended up costing over a billion dollars to implement. Documents obtained by the now estimate the program cost at $2 billion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_gun_registry Where did the money go and why is it unaccounted for. Is this just the tip of the iceberg and another Ad Scam in the making? The Conservatives need to follow the paper trail of money and find out the truth of why the Liberals have obfuscated the facts as to why this program was costing tax payers nearly twice the original estimates and was accurately deemed a white elephant from the outset. 54% of Canadians feel the long gun registry should be scraped today (up 1% from 2002), as opposed to 41% who felt it should continue, and 5% just didn’t know, a recent Ipsos Reid poll conducted this week found. The newly formed government must follow through with their promise to scrap the gun registry immediately! The Liberals still haven’t wrapped their minds around the fact they are no longer at the helm of government and now must deal with new revelations that their reputation of corrupt, unethical deceit precedes them. |
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