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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Canada Awakens

So Canada is in a state shock, revulsion and recoiling from the revelations that were commented on last week, and fruitfully realized last Friday, and as such the bubble of self-denial and shattered of self-confidence has been ruptured, and most rudely now Canadians have finally been awakened.

Thank the God of us all; no Canadian lives were lost as a result of our irresponsible, sleeping at the switch on the Liberal's last watch.

Why the surprise? Why the great outpouring of fear? Is it because we as a people have become weak and indolent, as we in our lifetimes have never had to face a challenge of such magnitude, and if so have degenerated into simpering wimps at the thought of having to fight for the values of freedom, democracy, and privacy!

Our forefathers were models of inspiration unto us unborn postwar children, in that they went of to war not knowing the true costs in terms of the hardships, courage, and the relentless toll of lost lives from the demands of conflict, but instead the steely resolve of their self contained conviction that through their collective war effort would freedom prevail, that we might benefit.

Now in these sheltered days since the last great war… the so called "war to end all wars", is now very much in question, and in that as much as the world cries out for peace it must seem that we shall be granted anything but this comfort and security, because we cannot bring ourselves to grips with the facts that the enemy wants nothing but to be judge, jury, and executioner of our very own way of life.

What is this obsession with beheading? If we were the ones who were exacting the beheadings on those who give nothing unto others in return, would those of us perpetrating these unspeakable acts ask any quarter in return?

In questioning what gives these dangerous home grown youth criminal the right to terrorize us in such a way that there age has anything to do with the damage they can inflict in human lives we fall down badly…

In our foolish sympathy toward these misguided pawns we ourselves risk everything and our children, to have this whole sordid affair blow up in our faces as result of inaction to deal swiftly, and judiciously with true wolf at our door.

Finally with the fêted smell of having our head up our collected derrieres so long, the reality of the frightful fresh air is indeed intimidating. Weak of Heart
So Canada is in a state shock, revulsion and recoil from the revelations that were commented on last week, and were quite fruitfully realized last Friday night, and as such the bubble of self-denial and shattered self-confidence has been ruptured, and rudely Canadians have been awakened. Thank the God of us all; no Canadian lives were lost as a result of our irresponsible, sleeping at the switch on the Liberal's last watch.

Why the surprise? Why the great outpouring of fear? Is it because we as a people have become weak and indolent, as we in our lifetimes have never had to face a challenge of such magnitude, and if so have degenerated into simpering wimps at the thought of having to fight for the values of freedom, democracy, and privacy!

Our forefathers were models of inspiration unto us unborn postwar children, in that they went of to war not knowing the true costs in terms of the hardships, courage, and the relentless toll of lost lives from the demands of conflict, but instead the steely resolve of their self contained conviction that through their collective war effort would freedom prevail, that we might benefit.

Now in these sheltered days since the last great war… the so called "war to end all wars", is now very much in question, and in that as much as the world cries out for peace it must seem that we shall be granted anything but this comfort and security, because we cannot bring ourselves to grips with the facts that the enemy wants nothing but to be judge, jury, and executioner of our very own way of life.

What is this obsession with beheading? If we were the ones who were exacting the beheadings on those who give nothing unto others in return, would those of us perpetrating these unspeakable acts ask any quarter in return?

In questioning what gives these dangerous home grown youth criminal the right to terrorize us in such a way that there age has anything to do with the damage they can inflict in human lives we fall down badly…

In our foolish sympathy toward these misguided pawns we ourselves risk everything and our children, to have this whole sordid affair blow up in our faces as result of inaction to deal swiftly, and judiciously with true wolf at our door.

Finally with the fetid smell of having our head up our collective derrieres for too many years, the reality of the frightful fresh air is indeed intimidating.

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