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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Play with Fire

Michael Ignatieff in his reckless desparation to lead the Liberal Party of Canada into the next election, having opened pandoras box and alowing the imps of constitutional destruction loose on Canada again has sequenced an unprecedented, unstoppable chain of events.

The Liberals having given the Bloq Quebecois the tinder and magnifying glass to cause a fire of historic preportions, Gilles Duceppe exstatic with a federal opening to smack his lips, salivating at what would follow out of his motion for Canada to recognize Quebec as a nation outside that of Canada.

The NDP puffed up with their usual delusion of victory over the other two federalist parties claim that the recognition of Quebec as a nation has long been one of their staunchest party planks.

Painted into a corner by the opposition parties the Prime Minister had no choise but to agree to the recognition of Quebecois as a sociological nation not independant to, but remaining within a united independent free Canada.
The legal and constitutional ramifications of the statement having null implications for future rangling of reopening the unity debate.

Once again our version of the Grecian Hydra rears its hideous villainous head railing for new and terrible battles on the horizon.
It never seizes to astonish me how we can lurch from one constitutional crisis to the next never learning from past lessons, that if we continue to play with fire in the end we will all get burnt!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dishonored and Disgraced

"The Earth's General Store" on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton, Alberta and it owner “Michael Kalmanovitch” along with the “Edmonton Women in Black”, who have the shameless, unmitigated gall to promote the “white poppies for peace”, an overt political statement piggy-backed no less on the week leading up to Remembrance Day.
Their insolence should be made to suffer swift public disgrace, and outrageous national condemnation.

This is nothing but a crash and tactless attempt by ignorant and impudent puppets, to hijack the public’s attention away from the reverence and honoring our fallen war dead, and casting aspersions on how peace was achieved in the two great wars, in their assertion that they in their moral superiority infer that peace with the Nazis could have been otherwise won by diplomacy, and without bloodshed.

This week solely belongs to the courage, and devotion of the Veterans of this Country, Allied Armed Forces all over the world, and above all those who gave their very lives, so we might live in the name of freedom, and peace in security of a certain future. As has been our tradition for over sixty years now, this time every year on the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, in remembrance of the Armistice.

On whose authority do these scurrilous interlopers dare to infringe on the sanctity of this, the one day we pay tribute to our most noble and brave.
These disgusting spineless cowards presume to sit in judgment over those who fought tyranny who’d have become our masters, but for the undying love of our true heroes.

Those would wish to erase their monuments, their epitaphs, and the medals of their valor.
Those who would dishonor and defile the memorial of our unending debt of gratitude.
They who are rank among the most wretched of vile, they that are the evil swarm that threatens to consume themselves, and all those who would sleep with the enemy.

A pox their dishonor and disgrace!