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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Salute Our Troops

It was a marvelous feeling it be ranked among those who attended the Red Rally on Parliament hill last Friday at noon.

It was a privilege and an honor to represent all those great Canadians who could not through no fault of their own attend, as I know they wanted desperately to share the passion of letting our troops all over the world know just how much their shining courage means to us here at home.

How much they are in our hearts and our minds, and our prayers, for although we cannot know the horror and overwhelming odds that they overcome on a daily basis, we uphold, and revere them as the keepers of our freedom, and heroes of those who yearn to be free from the yoke of oppression and tyranny.

One of our great missions in Europe in WWII was to liberate Holland from the Nazis occupation.The First Canadian Army in November 1944 until February 1945 when Operation Veritable was launched on the Rhineland, advancing east instead of north towards Arnhem.

Liberation would not come for some seven months later.

Princess Juliana of Holland herself took refuge here in the Nation's Capital at Stornoway House, until the Netherlands was restored to the Dutch. Her third born was delivered here at the Civic Hospital in Ottawa, and in her undying gratitude she sent 100,000 thousand tulips in a gesture of thanks and what was to become a symbol of a never to be forgotten friendship.

To this very day Ottawa has the unending love and devotion that is call the Tulip Festival. These are testaments to our commitments of the past, and we will not forget who we are today, and what we stand for in the future.

Our Prime Minister spoke with sparkling inspiration and eloquence, as he talked about the contribution our troops made at Vimy Ridge, and the memorial left there, and the modern day legacy of our sacrifice to the free nation of France.

Friday, September 22, 2006…

Having had both parents serve this great Country overseas in the Royal Canadian Air Force during WWII.

I have never been prouder to be Canadian!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Pontiff's Head

Last week the Pope made reference to a 14th century manuscript which Byzantine emperor Manual II Paleologus wrote saying "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached".

Does that statement in anyway misrepresent the truth of what the Prophet decried, in only that the infidel must be given a chance to convert to Islam or face death, usually by barbaric beheading? Isn't that exactly what Ahmadinejad did when he sent Bush a several paged letter offering him the chance to convert or suffer the consequences?

Is not the design of Islam to be spread through out the world by force if necessary, until there is only a one-world religion? Mosque and State indivisible.
Why then if this is the truth are the radical fanatics of fascist Islam running through the streets shaking their fists, burning Christian churches, and killing an innocent Nunn?

Is the strength of the truth of what the Pope has revealed so threatening that these savages must vent their fury in such a murderous rampage? This kind of reaction to mere words does little to foster the image that Islam is a peaceful and gentle faith.

The Pope has recently been desperately warned not to visit Turkey, as there is a plot afoot to have him assassinated if he dares go there.

Why must the Pontiff be humbled, repeatedly groveling for the forgiveness of those who if given the chance, would have his head on a stake outside the walls of their city?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Kitchen (A Message to Our Brave Canadian Troops Overseas)

It has been said many times that if you cannot stand the heat in the kitchen then maybe you should leave.

When you signed up to give your very life and protect your Country did you think that this would be a walk in the park?

Didn’t you know that each one of your days of service would be an eternal fight with yourself and for your fellow soldier, an epiphany that this is not what you thought you were signing up for?

Didn’t you expect that every time it was time to set up camp again, and you questioned how can I summon up the wherewithal to go on one more day?

Each time that you are called upon to be one step ahead of the enemy is one demand too much. One command too soon

The intensity of heat of day no one can know, the chill of cold of night no one can throw on that extra blanket of comfort, because you have trained to be something that no one can understand, you are bastion of human endurance and no one may know the pride and admiration you hold of your Country, of yourself or your fellow soldier.

You must now leave those things of simpler times and comfort to a past where you cannot remember, and only keep inside of you what drives you on, and for what reason those that have died before you have given your resolve unto.

For this is the only thing which will sustain you. That and the truth that every moment that a smile exchanged, or moment of weakness overcome may be your last, know you there remains a shining peace within your reach.

We are there with you where you hold us all within, and at the end of time still do you have our enduring debt,

Our unending gratitude, and our unfathomable thanks for the freedom, and devotion that you bare within you always!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Friend of my Enemy is my Enemy

Last week I appraised you of my disgust for the vile and underhanded tactics of Jack Laton's egredious and opportunistic desire to play politics with 100% support for our valiant men and women in the service of the desperate needs of freedom everywhere.

The valor and safrifice of those ready to lay down their lives so that we might sleep at night safe in our beds while they go without as much as a warm blanket, but now Layton and his pack of cowards would rip the remaining vestiges from our honored and historic military and the memory of their ancestral fallen.

So that someone like that villainous bastard has the freedom bought by the death of our fathers and mothers who fought indivisible under god in World War II, to undermine their pride to fight for just cause to rid us of the scouge and menace of the Taliban, the forces that would oppress theirs and our own everywhere in they mad pursuit of world conquest in the name of radical Islam jihad.

This is insult enough but when their fetid numbers declare our pride of the Nation to be little or better than the terrorist we make war on, and try to make that lie a case for shame, I stand ready with buckler and sword in hand to smite the cowardly ally of infamy.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Face of Cowardice

Thursday the leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada had the bare-assed balls to go on National TV with his message of cowardice.

The used car salesman playing on our sense of peacemaker, not warrior mentality expounded on the ills of the foreign policy of aid to the Afghans and war on the Talibans.

His party’s policy of abandonment of the cause of prevention of the Taliban from retaking control of Afghanistan, the reinstitution of Al-Qaeda training camps, and the subjugation of all females from their god-given right to freedom, and education is nothing less than a confession of cowardice and hypocrisy.

Where is the voice of the National Coalition of Women’s Rights, and Maud Barlow when it comes to the human rights of Afghan women and their children’s suppression by theTaliban aggressors?

He would abandon everything that his party supposedly stands for to cut and run like the coward he is for what?
So he and his party can appear to be neutral and the figurehead of the beleaguered and suffering freedom-fighting terrorist factions, who resists “the great Satan” America,
Who have infiltrated our Country through the soft immigration policies of the center left and extreme left, by purposefully and falsely equating Harper with George Bush’s foreign policy?

This is nothing more than absolute and preposterous nonsense.
The political partisan politics of a desperate and dangerous man whose vein and misled wishes are to lead the Country into disastrous implications, so that his egotistical ambitions of one day being Prime Minister of Canada may be realized.

Last week he was making noises about the Conservative Government concealing the fact of having 1200 Canadian Armed Forces who should be deployed as peacekeepers in southern Lebanon.
As if that were someplace safer to avert the danger to our troops instead of the mission assigned to us in Afghanistan.

Is he such a political neophyte as to believe we are in such a position to pick and choose where we will be deployed?

Will someone tell this rube that we are a founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance and we will do the will of this great and respected organization (the greatest body of deterrent to fascism this world has ever know), today and as long as we stand ranked alongside of the allies of freedom.