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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Enemy Within

Today’s startling revelations from out of CSIS that Canada has for years been developing its own brand of home grown terrorism at large within it’s borders, and has been admitted, cultured, and nurtured by the anti-American bashing Liberal left.
Without so much as a background screening, these interlopers have quietly infiltrated our homeland and await further orders to mobilize their ranks, raising the hair on the back of the neck of anyone who has been so deluded into thinking we have been living in a secure Country since September 11, 2001.

On whose watch were these murderers , Somolian warlords wives on social assistance, and known Al-Quaeda terrorists allowed to enter our borders?
For what reason were officials induced to take bribes and look the other way?
When CSIS reported there was a credible threat to domestic security from the triad’s infiltration from the Chinese Embassy what did the Liberals do to avert this?

Why has there been an influx of white color crime able to flourish here since 1993?

If CSIS knew about this as many as five years ago why is it they are just now disclosing it, and why do the opposition parties still pretend that there has been and is still no clear and present danger to national security?
Knowing full well that when the terrorists strike at Canada of course Prime Minister Harper would be fingered for the cause of escalated aggression toward Canada because he will be portrayed to have provoked a confrontation with his pro-action stance to terror.

At the risk of offending the bleeding heart, pro-terrorist, anti-American faction which is rampant in this Country, and the spineless leftist media which represent their views, the present Government must revisit all cases of all those who have entered the Country illegally, under false pretenses, and take swift and just counter-measures to deal with these social pariah!

Identify them, track them down, and deport them immediately before they can exact their bloody toll in terms of Canadian Lives!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Dregs of Racism

The Prime Minister has gone out of his way to be objective and fair to all of Canada's political parties on a range of different issues.

In his first session of Parliament instead of whipping his party into voting against the reinstatement of Peter Milliken as Speaker of the House.
The vote is by a wide margin in favor that the tying breaking vote on a non-confidence issue, has been delivered unto the liberals in the spirit of impartiality and recognition of merit.

On the subject ethics and integrity the PM vigorously persuade that grand old new democrat Ed Broadbent, because he was the best choice for the job, and would immediately restore lost credibility back to that office.
Unfortunately he was unable to except the offer due to his wife's health.

On the issue of appointing a vacant Supreme Court Justice, Harper again demonstrated his democratic fairness by allowing a chance to question Justice Marshall Rothstein before an all-
party committee for the scrutiny of suitability for appointment.

Most recently the Opposition parties, instead of showing good faith in a Government trying to bring a measure of non partisan cooperation to the table, they embarked on a shameful personal inquisition into Mr. Harper’s business accomplished nominee for Appointments Commissioner Gwyn Morgan.
In a travesty of justice to all Canadians they degenerated into nothing more than a demonstration of overtly vicious, petty, partisan politics.
The same Opposition who always seek to appeal to the lowest common repulsion of social behavior…

The dregs of racism.

Unsubstantiated accusations with no real basis in reality, quotations taken out of context to distort the spirit of the truth.

It is painfully clear that the opposition has no intention to work with the minority government of the day, for having been shown the example of good faith and support of the individual of the most outstanding merit, experience and qualifications, no matter which party they owe their political stripe to, the opposition will still not turn themselves from their pitiful, selfish, political subterfuge.

“The whole purpose or the exercise was to “assure Canadians that Government appointments rewards merit while respecting the values of fairness and openness” in other words the new commission not only had to be non-partisan, it had to appear to be so.”

If the appearance of non-partisan politics (as recounted in the examples above) counts for having no merit nor respecting the values of fairness and openness, then how can it matter that any nominee have the credibility of these same attributes?

One thing is certain, the Opposition will not abide by the same rules of a level playing field in any case!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Long Gun Fiasco

The official Opposition have asked an investigation into allegations that someone leaked documents that the former Liberal Government deliberately buried the true wasteful and reprehensible flushing of 100s of millions tax dollars with intent to deceive Parliament and the public, although the Auditor General herself sees no breach of the law that would require her to report this incident to the RCMP.

An obvious attempt to obscure the fact the previous Government has been caught again with their pants down, cooking the books and intentionally misleading Parliament as to why the coats of administering a program that jumped from $32,000, 000.00 to $90,000,000.00 dollars in the early years of implementation, and why the computerized data based tracking system still didn’t work.

The project which was meant to cost approximately $119 million ended up costing over a billion dollars to implement. Documents obtained by the now estimate the program cost at $2 billion.

Where did the money go and why is it unaccounted for. Is this just the tip of the iceberg and another Ad Scam in the making?
The Conservatives need to follow the paper trail of money and find out the truth of why the Liberals have obfuscated the facts as to why this program was costing tax payers nearly twice the original estimates and was accurately deemed a white elephant from the outset.

54% of Canadians feel the long gun registry should be scraped today (up 1% from 2002), as opposed to 41% who felt it should continue, and 5% just didn’t know, a recent Ipsos Reid poll conducted this week found.

The newly formed government must follow through with their promise to scrap the gun registry immediately!

The Liberals still haven’t wrapped their minds around the fact they are no longer at the helm of government and now must deal with new revelations that their reputation of corrupt, unethical deceit precedes them.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pot Calls Kettle Black

I grant that on the surface the Prime Minister appears to be guilty in part to many of the criticisms alleged which he as Opposition leader condemned the Liberals to...

The PM's vaulted accountability act being his first and foremost desire to pass into legislation before this parliament’s session is out, has been criticized as having too many loopholes in it and allowing lobbyist a revolving door to the influence of Government. The opposition party’s mellow dramatic act of insinuating the Conservative are at the same time appearing to have the optics of cleaning up Government, while not making available the means to do so is laughable.

They know full well legislation will not proceed until the act undergoes the scrutiny and amendments by parliamentary committee as it should, but to imply that the Government has purposefully built into its act its own exclusion is disrespectful, adversarial and just plain dishonest!

To further distort the spirit of the truth the Opposition tries to portray the Information Commission’s findings as grounds to chastise, and alleges the Government attempts to make less transparent the Government's actions are worse than the last corruption of Liberals.

The Conservatives claim that they met with the Information Commissioner in an attempt to amend any dispute by any means to the ultimate end...improve transparency of Government accountability.
Their explanation was met with condemnation, and stood accused of misleading Parliament.

The latest flap is that after Harper made a big deal about bureaucrats and Parliamentarians excepting gifts, his own Cabinet and MPs are up to the same game now that they are in power, the essential difference being the PM paid for his own tickets to the hockey game Monday night, and each and every one who accepted gifts of under $200.00 dollars were required to register them with the Ethics Commissioner for approval, and permission that by doing so, they did not leave themselves open to ethical compromise.

I am aware Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition’s function is to oppose Government policy, but the spirit of doing what’s right for the nation has obviously been dumbed down to the point of petty partisanship on behalf of the opposition party.

They are hardly in a position to hold court on the subject ethics and integrity.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hidden Agenda

So the left wants universal daycare...

After the mess they have made of health care one can only speculate the vortex they intend to centrafuge us to with the so called nanny state!

The socialist combine has had thirteen years together to make that monotonous vomit into reality, they were not able to work out universal contracts of equal duration among the Provinces, so the program was never fully realized or implemented properly.

So now that the Tories have taken the reigns of power the left’s transparent efforts to undermine and unseat a Government in power just over 100 days amount to nothing more than saber rattling and shameless opportunism.

"Conviction" does not take thirteen years to manifest itself if there is the true political will to support it.
If this was of such tantamount importance why then have Canadian families for the last decade and nearly a half, who’s choice it was to sacrifice less income to support itself been penalized on every liberal tax day, for having the audacity to have one parent stay at home to raise their own flesh and blood?
Why have those same families been arbitrarily forced to subsidize the children of families who follow the socialist’s agenda of having their child being raised by strangers of questionable character?

It is to support a totalitarianist regime that propagates its own survival by recklessly and the unethically burning our savings at the increase of liberal friendly kickback shcemes.

By keeping our focus on basic survival of the family and keeping the wolf from our door, the big red machine manipulates the conditions necessary to make two parents to work overtime wearing out our resolve, and the will to focus on anything but keeping our jobs.

Using the example of those of us committed to choice and free will they work to mark us with the stigma that a parent who tireless, and endless working to clean house and raise, and nurture a family is of next to valueless and slothful because it does not submit to the over taxation to futher that of the socialist agenda.

This serves the enemy in a twofold attack…
By creating a society too busy trying to survive a day-to-day existence under their crushing burden of continuous contributions there is little or no time left to raise a family.

Gone are the days of five and ten family member units.
The hidden agenda for twenty-nine years of socialist rule has directly impacted our ability to control our own productivity so thus the need for dangerously high and unscreened immigration, more often than not perpetrating criminal gangs, drugs, and violent gun crime, and the trafficking of human bondage, than addressing our need for menial labor.

The other prong being the indoctrination of our youth through a national daycare program into their Platonistic, parasitic, ideology and will use any and all sacrificial means to keep, or regain their former power over our destinies.

As wards of the state their Stalanist wish is our children will be raised, educated, in their most formative years to accept and become the tool of left, while there will be no longer any skilled or working poor left to support the crumbling structural foundation that is known as Canada...

We will have become "like a ripe plumb, ready to fall".

Monday, May 01, 2006

True Leadership not Found on the Pages of Fish wrap

Let us examine the necessity of the media's need to be privy to everything the Government's ruminates in the privacy of the glaring public eye…

When last I looked we have never had the privilege to decide who writes the articles and the right to exercise the truth in print.

So why does the media think they have the right to decide who they give their good housekeeping seal to and why it is that they expect us to believe in their take on things.

There view is that the PM must make at least enough room for them to celebrate or sanction their self imposed approval.

Is it not the government whom we cast a ballet for or the self-serving business which makes us all the slaves of our own addiction to the bloody victims of the latest train wreck?

Do we really want to be led by those of us in print or on television, or those we elected to lead this Country out of the morase of the last 13 years and into a new area?

You have to wonder why the PM must feel compelled to throw in with the press for fear that the leadership he has so far displayed has made him venerable to the media's need to keep us dazed and confused?

You are left to wonder whether the press really wants a strong and present leader as they have been left at the helm for so long now they are now struggling to adapt to the role of the scribes that they really should be and nothing more.

Do they think anyone cares if they don't have a goat to finger, but whether we get good government for a change?

The problem is they don't understand that they're not a part of the equation.
What Canadians need is a government to get on with the business of the nation,
not another distraction or a rabbit to chase down a hole.

No sooner do we get a taste of true leadership than the media jealous of the truth someone other than are making a difference try to poison the libation because we are enjoying the experience of having a skilled and knowledgeable navigator at the wheel.