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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Liberal Hypocrisy

You’d think that the Liberal Party of Canada would consider it a feather in their cap to have the Conservatives adopt similar initiatives to that of the Grits past policies, but
as usual they’re making an intolerable stink about the Conservative ripping off their proposals in renewable power, “wind, solar, tidal, geothermal and biomass energy.”

It was an NDP dream of Tommy Douglas, the father of what we have cherished for decades as Canadian Heath Care, whom the Liberals gave their legislation begrudgingly to, and went on to be creadited for the apirations of another political party.

It truly is laughabley outrageous as the hypocracy of the source of the objection is none other than the well know masters of theiving other parties clever ideas and incentives, and smugly taking the credit for them.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot they roil indignantly under the sting of being the victim, instead of the perpetrator of their infamous past larcenies, and like not a taste of their own medicine.

In 1993 Jean Cretien campaighned on replacing the GST and tearing up NAFTA if elected to power, but convieniently made them a continued liberal party policy after the election was won.

When the Reform Party of Canada held the governing Liberals feet to the fire over the balancing the budget and paying down the debt in 1998, the Grits were all smiles and pride at trumpeting their grand accomplishments as if they had always been the champions of fiscal responsibility, since the modern day architech of budget-deficits of the 1970’s... Pierre Trudeau.

If the Fedral Liberals are so shocked at having their noses put out of joint by their antithesis, then maybe they should go have a good hard look at themselves in the mirror, before they cry foul about having their alleged initiative ripped from them.

In the end they count on the same myopic senile public to by into their sad sympathy as the case, as they do the years of unfulfilled promises and berievment of their own ideas for those they stole from others.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


All this hysteria driven by the main stream media about the socialist greening buzz words like global warming/ climate change and the self-loathing over our negligence of the environment.

I find it a little bit disingenuous to be beating our chest, ringing our hands, and gnashing our teeth in lamentation at the eleventh hour over what was conveniently glossed over and made unimportant until there is no snow to shovel from the walkway, here in eastern Ontario.

The great engine of this green trust are really zelaots Dr. David Suzuki (Dr. of Zoology and not of Climatology), Elizabeth May of the fledgling Green Party, and of course trying to take the credit for this monumental platitude the man who could neither achieve the 2006, CO2 emissions targets but came in 30% higher than our neighbors to the south who opted out of Kyoto.
Yes Stephane Dion can blow his trumpet of doom, admonishing whoever ignorant will listen, but he cannot run from his own record of abject failure which will follow him into the next election.

What a perfect distraction for a severely divided party from having no record of having passed anything in the last 13 years but gay marriage, deviod of vision and no official unified foreign policy for the Country.

Before the earliest records went kept our world has experienced the reality of warmer and cooler than usual shifts in weather. In 1936 we had we set the record as having the warmest January on record this century, a record still not eclipsed by this years weather patterns.
I’m sure their petrol driven horseless carriages were to blame for that, right?

Where does El Nino fit into their little "perfect storm" senario, or was it conveniently overlooked so as the chicken-little opposition parties can cry that the sky is falling because the Tories opted out of the Kyoto protocol?
Here is the issue they have seized upon for lack of any real substance of poor performance of the Government, though their only professed scientific “proof” of the greenhouse effect comes from Europe, and western Asia.

There is a landslide of scientific evidence to refute their findings as well. Renouned professors of the earth sciences who's expertise, through isotopic ice core samples and satelite photography of the ice caps prove that in the last century 90% of the shelf that has melted to date 60% melted before 1963 and only 30% in the last 44 years, and have since began to slow their pace, conversely to what Euro science indicates .

Of course the evil sensationalist media who wish to torpedo Harper's inhospitable Government, would only be too happy to see the Conservative go to the bottom like the Titanic so they, like the opposition parties are on this issue like a dog with a bone.

Only question remaining is which of these curs will have to be dewormed first?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Butcher of Baghdad

Why all the outrage about the execution of one of the most ruthless mass murdering dictators of our time, who summarily executed at least 15 Shia conspirators, a further 148 were also executed, and hundreds arrested following the alleged plot to have him assassinated in 1982.

In the village of Halabjah on 16 March 1988 Kurds were indiscriminately killed when villages were attacked with poisonous mustard gas and nerve agents were used to kill up
to 5,000 and injure up to 10,000 more.

In 1991 in the south Saddam launched a campaign against the Shias, including Shia Marsh Arabs as many as 150,000 were killed. The Shia holy cities of Najaf and Karbala were attacked and over 100 Shia clerics disappeared during the 1990s.
Beginning in March chemical weapons filled with sarin gas and CS (tear) gas were dropped from helicopters onto targets in and around Najaf and Karbala.

Then there was the horror of Saddam Hussein's secret police for decades tortured inmates with beatings, and mutilations, including the gouging out of eyes, those who were raped, maimed, had electric cables shoved on to their genitals, or exterminated.

In mid-2000, the council was said to have approved amputation of the tongue as a new penalty for slander or abusive remarks about Saddam or his family.
"They did unthinkable things - electrocution, immersion in a bath of chemicals and ripping off people's finger and toenails."

People were allegedly shredded in machines alive by his sons. In one case, according to Amnesty International, dozens of women accused of prostitution were beheaded without a trial by members of the Saddam Fidayeen, the militia run by Saddam's feared elder son Uday.

It’s incredulous the hypocrisy of the western socialist media and their complete and utter failure to keep in perspective the hundreds of thousand of those enemies of Saddam who were murdered, tortured or simply disappeared. It is a disgusting testament to these bleeding hearts, to have had the delicacy of their elitist sensibilities offended.

Saddam's victims deaths were met out to them in the most crule, merciless, remorseless, fashion as a result of their resistance to Saddam’s will.
In same foul breath the main stream media zealots condemnations of “deplorable” and “Shia vengeance act” the din of which, in the usual political correctness rising to the rafters about the indignant way in which he was treated before he was executed by his own countrymen, on the six foot drop to a noose the end of a rope.

A death far too swift and merciful for one who show none to his numerous victims!