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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Better the Devil you Know

An old liberal friend told me some time ago that Canadian politics all boils down to a popularity contest.

So now I am left to wonder if Steven Harper's loyalty to Canada supercedes that of Ignatieff’s 34 years of neglect, then why does that by default make Jack Leyton the choice of irrational, emotional women who hate Steven Harper because they fear what they cannot, or dare not say, nor have any evidence to demonize him for the fear they have no evidence of.

Does a women’s choice cause our economy to flat line because of her exclusive right to burn down economically, everything worth protecting and nurturing, because of her own selfish desire to fly in the face of the well being of the country we all profess to love?

Let us examine what we know of the New Democrat party of Canada, shall we?

We know they will profess to be against everything they say the Conservative and Liberals stand for, right, big business profits at the expense of the little guy, right?

Now let us look at how they profess to fund their initiatives, shall we?

They will drive those who would employ all of us, to some more profitable country leaving the Canadian government with an ever dwindling tax base, to fund our vaunted social programs, and in doing so will most certainly cause the social safety net which they profess to protect to fail definitively.

This is what smiling, old and comfortable, Jack Leyton will not tell you in order to get your Anglophone female/ Francophone vote to get elected!

Like the Red Tory Joe Clark (not unlike Brian Mulroney, that liberal in Conservative’s clothing) once said about Jean Chrétien in the 2004 election…

"Better the devil you know than the one you don’t"!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Desperation Straits

Today sensationalist appeal to leftist women viewers of the poor beleaguered Helena Guergis by the insidious CBC network that has become nothing less than the outrageous, obscene, partisan discrediting of Steven Harper for the sake of out-and-out malice toward the man.

In a desperate attempt to buoy the fortunes of their sagging flagship the LPC’s campaign, the CBC is openly making welcome to any or all malcontents for Steven Harpers cold, and cruel unmovable heart for women.

Last time I remember Helena Guergis’s out of control ex-Member of Parliament husband (Rahim Jaffer) was plastered all over the media from newspaper to Internet, in a shameless consolidated intent to inflame and discredit the Harper Government.

When Harper stuck beside his minister the partisan cry from the media and opposition was for Guergis to step down as a tainted, and Desperation Straits
Today sensationalist appeal to leftist women viewers of the poor beleaguered Helena Guergis by the insidious CBC network that has become nothing less than the outrageous, obscene, partisan discrediting of Steven Harper for the sake of out-and-out malice toward the man.

In a desperate attempt to buoy the fortunes of their sagging flagship the LPC’s campaign, the CBC is openly making welcome to any or all malcontents for Steven Harpers cold, and cruel unmovable heart for women.

Last time I remember Helena Guergis’s out of control ex-Member of Parliament husband (Rahim Jaffer) was plastered all over the media from newspaper to Internet, in a shameless consolidated intent to inflame and discredit the Harper Government.

When Harper stuck beside his minister the partisan cry from the media and opposition was for Guergis to step down as a tainted, and scandaled pariah of his cabinet, defaming Harpers judgment.

When allegations were leveled at Jaffer and his then business associate for lobbying the government, everything from cocaine to hookers were made a three-ring circus by the same media whores, who now hypocritically condemn Harper’s actions of ejecting Georges from cabinet and caucus.

As I see it Guergis put the PM and the Conservative party into a extremely uncomfortable, and untenable dilemma, by drawing huge amounts of media attention to their actions publicly, with their reckless and decadent partying as the swingers of the new jet set cool.

The same national media (CBC/CTV) outlets that blew the Jaffer/Guergis outrageous behavior out of all proportion, attacking Harper's cabinet are the same shameless media hypocrites that wishes you to take issue with his swift action to deal with the former double dealing back-stabbing women of cabinet and caucus.

Guergis embarrassed the PM, the party and their supporters and this eleventh hour ploy smacks of left media collusion to further embarrass the PM, when he is so close to forming the majority they all fear is all but inevitable.

While we’re on this subject there are other names that comes to mind when dealing with the treachery and scorn of women…

Remember Belinda Stronach?
pariah of his cabinet, defaming Harpers judgment.

When allegations were leveled at Jaffer and his then business associate for lobbying the government, everything from cocaine to hookers were made a three-ring circus by the same media whores, who now hypocritically condemn Harper’s actions of ejecting Georges from cabinet and caucus.

As I see it Guergis put the PM and the Conservative party into a extremely uncomfortable, and untenable dilemma, by drawing huge amounts of media attention to their actions publicly, with their reckless and decadent partying as the swingers of the new jet set cool.

The same national media (CBC/CTV) outlets that blew the Jaffer/Guergis outrageous behavior out of all proportion, attacking Harper's cabinet are the same shameless media hypocrites that wishes you to take issue with his swift action to deal with the former double dealing back-stabbing women of cabinet and caucus.

Guergis embarrassed the PM, the party and their supporters and this eleventh hour ploy smacks of left media collusion to further embarrass the PM, when he is so close to forming the majority they all fear is all but inevitable.

While we’re on this subject there are other names that comes to mind when dealing with the treachery and scorn of women…

Remember Belinda Stronach?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

.: Dining on Canadian Fears

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anatomy of a Liar

Remember this Liberal "Blast from the Past"?

Sept. 23, 1989: The GST is "an attack on the weaker regions of the country, regressive, against the lower income groups, invisible, sneaky and of course ... an administrative nightmare." — Liberal Leader John Turner

Nov. 28, 1989: "Mr. Speaker, the goods and services tax is a stupid, inept and incompetent tax." — Liberal MP Paul Martin

April 4, 1990: "I would abolish the GST.'' — Liberal MP Paul Martin

Sept. 27, 1990: "I want this tax dead.'' — Liberal Leader Jean Chretien

Oct. 29, 1990: "I am opposed to the GST. I have always been opposed to it, and I will always be opposed to it. It is a tax that is both regressive and discriminatory." — Liberal Leader Jean Chretien

Nov. 19, 1990: "We will continue to oppose the GST and the tax won't be long in place when the Liberals win the next election." — Opposition Leader Herb Gray

Feb. 11, 1993: "I say we will replace the tax. This is a commitment. You will judge me by that. If the GST is not gone, I will have a tough time the election after that." — Liberal Leader Jean Chretien

1993 — Liberal Party Red Book: "A Liberal government will replace the GST with a system that generates equivalent revenues, is fairer to consumers and to small business, minimizes disruption to small business, and promotes federal-provincial fiscal co-operation and harmonization."

May 2, 1994: "We hate it and we will kill it." — Prime Minister Jean Chretien

Aug. 11, 1995 — The Canadian Press: "On Wednesday, [Prime Minister Jean] Chretien said the replacement for the GST will be announced in the federal budget, though he didn't provide details."

Nov. 1, 2007 — The Canadian Press: "[Liberal Leader] Stephane Dion's suggestion that he might one day increase the goods-and-services tax had some of his Liberal troops shaking their heads Wednesday."

Dec. 18, 2008: "So I'm not going to take a GST hike off the table later. I just think it'd be a bad idea now in a recession." — Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff

Jan. 29, 2010 — Liberal MP calls for debate on increasing GST

A leopard cannot change his spots, anymore than a Liberal can keep his word.

You cannot trust a Liberal!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Trolling for the Ignorant

It occurs to me that CBC and CTV have gone out of their way to inflate disingenuously, and disproportionately the truth behind why “two teenagers got kicked out of a Conservative party rally in Quebec City last Sunday.

Did it ever occur to opposition parties, and the mainstream media that paying Tory membership supporters earned first right to rally round their leader, to the point of selling out that rally?

Yes the RCMP over-reacted to protecting the Prime Minister, but obvious they saw a threat in the possibility of someone having ties to enemy Michael Ignatieff, perhaps attending as moles of the LPC.

Has the media so little to talk about it must obsess over such trivia, it must exaggerate it’s significance in this Seinfeld Election about nothing?

In the absence of anything substantial they school like sharks at the faintest smell of blood to sate their sensationalist fix, in order to sell their socialist propaganda to the ignorant?

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Red Book II

Michael Ignatieff waving around the current incarnation of Liberal Red Book II, and telling any naive students who will listen, “there’ll be an examination tomorrow morning”.

What has been lost in translation while he was vacant those thirty long years in Europe and America, and what he cannot understand is the festering cadre of broken promises, dolled out by the original author of that “Liberal Red Book”, and symbolized by his mentor(“Yesterday’s Man”)of 1993.

Only a fool would use the this sorry old prop to wage his last hurray, before returning to his long vacant Harvard Professor’s job, which still awaits him like a long-jilted lover since his having irresponsibly left his charge.

200 billion, 900 million worth of unmitigated lies!

Simply not credible Count Ignatieff, not credible!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Groundhog Day

So the main steam liberal media are smugly happy that Michael Ignitieff’s campaign is happily off the ground without any major gaffes in the 1st full week eh? What about his most badly advised stump speech to date in Mississauga, Ontario where he declares, “Mr. Harper doesn't like elections” but in mute impudence of the will of the majority of Canadians, the liberal ignominious cry out… “We want an election!”

Having the unmitigated gall to rub the “yellowiest of snow where the huskies go” into the eyes of all Canadians who are sick to death, of going to the polls to the same result as the last three elections...another minority government…bound yet again to return us in another 18 months to two more years of morass in federal government, until the following election day.

Sound like “Ground Hog Day”…it should! Already the specter of the long gun registry is about to rear its ugly head on the LPC and the NDP, when they are forced to suck back their regurgitated cud, on a whipped vote to bring down the private members bill C-391, of 5 Mar 2011…Candice Hoeppner Canada Conservative Candidate in Portage - Lisgar, Manitoba.

The collective betrayal of all rural Canadians who elected LPC and NDP MPs to parliament, to represent their vote to abolish the registry, may well be the ruminating straw that broke the camels back, when it comes to punishing the left and extreme left at the polls on May 02, 2011.