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Thursday, March 30, 2006

A New Canada

Canadian citizens have been yearning for a meaningful leader since 1982…

One who would have the where with all to demonstrate the intrinsic and natural qualities that all Canadians have so long been denied by denizens of the fearful left. Cowards who hide behind the trappings of peace…

The same "chicken little" that keep tell us the sky is falling on each and every day they attempt to undermine a brave new government in the pursuit of a new Canada.

A Canada we have come to know that has been buried for decades now. A Canada that we were so proud of in the '60's and is only now rising from the aches of its own self imposed exile.

Steven Harper and Peter McKay's decision to cut off foreign aid to the newly elected Palestinian Hamas, because they refuse to recognize the state of Israel to exist, and not renounce the hatred of their methods of terror which promises to consume them, and draw all of their Muslim neighbors into a suicidal war they can never win, is a decision which the rest of the world has confirmed and stands behind.

As of today the rest of the civilized world has one by one lined up behind Canada's lead to draw the line. Something past fallen Canadian Governments have failed to been counted as, much less be the initiative of…

I for one will be counted today as extremely proud of the intestinal fortitude and leadership shown by our PM and the Conservative Government of Canada and its commitment to stand by the hard and sometimes unpopular decisions which make Canada a world leader on the global stage of nations.

Never prouder to be Canadian Again!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Whistleblower Legislation

Sources today report that the Prime Minister intends to table legislation to create the new Office of Public Prosecutions early in the next session when Parliament reconvenes. This new office will deal with whistleblower protection over fraud and corruption in the Civil Service, their contractors and its political masters the Government.

Today's reports also include a proposal by Pierre Poilivre MP of Nepean Carleton, and Parliamentary Secretary to John Baird, President of the Treasury Board who together wish to introduce a parliamentary bill to make law a private citizen's right to have a guilty contractor or bureaucratic body charged in a federal court of law.

We have just seen in the evidence of the Gomery inquiry the fallen government's reluctance to have their own friends charged for their fraudulent illegal activities. The new proposal would see those private citizens who feel strongly enough to have a defendant entity charged with fraud, also have in their possession a sufficient body of evidence to litigate without fear of loss of case. This would deter would-be profiteering of any private citizen for the benefit of his/her own advancement if the cause for suit was anything less than airtight.

If the suit were successfully won the convicted defendant would be forced to make restitution to the sum of three times the amount of the fraud originally perpetrated. A certain percentage of this remuneration to the government would then be awarded to the plaintiff as a reward for funds otherwise lost through fraud and never recovered, except through the actions of the whistleblower's courage and conviction.

If this newly proposed legislation did nothing more it would serve to make any illegitimate intentions contemplated by those in a position to do so, far less attractive if not most foolhardy.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Most Foolish Gambit

It is simply unrealistic to assume that the newly elected Canadian government can accomplish anything more than the practical five priorities which it has set out for itself, considering that it's time may be preciously short, so short it may be brought down as soon as the next budget in the house, if we are to believe the sensationalist, hysteria loving media!

The opposition Liberals, NDP, and Bloq parties are railing over the Conservative intentions to follow through on their campaign promises that the Government made to voting Canadians during the last election, in regards to scrapping the financially unachievable nation daycare program in favor of choice.

The Supreme Court, and expert after expert has reported we cannot afford to sustain modern day health care in its present form, let alone a new and even more ambitious entanglement can be secured. This is yet another made in the Liberal party fiasco. The same party that brought us the national gun registry, and cannot or will not explain where the missing finances went…
The same program promised to all Canadians over the last three general elections and reneged on by the same Liberal Party of Canada for over eleven and a half years, before reaching some nebulous, tenuous agreement with the Provinces, but not yet implemented as of today.

We simply cannot afford it!

Where were the Liberal Government and the socialist supporters of it, the Bloq and the NDP parties then? Why were they not crying out in blue murder then? Where were their sustained cries?

The Liberal's presumptuous empty threats of toppling the Conservatives before they've reconvened Parliament are reprehensibly, irresponsible, if not laughable.
Will they fight the third election in less than two years leaderless, rudderless, and four million dollars in debt?

Do you think for one minute that the PM is shaking in his boots, cowering in a darkened corner thinking there's any truth that the other opposition parties will back such a lunatic ultimatum?

Not a one of them are in a position to afford another national campaign. They all would have much more to loose than the Tories, especially with a livid public exhausted with running to the polls again, due to a dysfunctional Parliament unable to proceed with the Nations business before the Government can make good on one of its election promises.

It would be tantamount to political suicide!

No… the Conservative ran and won the last election on the platform of fulfilling the five priorities it deemed as most important to Canadians values, not the Oppositions and their support base and by the authority vest in them by the fact they hold the most of seats in the house, they will proceed to do just that.

Let them that propose to undermine and work at cross-purposes, to those who would deliver us from our past folly stand forth and be count as the damned!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Fall Guy

If Scott Brison had a shred of credibility or an once of self-respect he would not only remove himself from the future liberal leadership race, but also resign as MP for Kings-Hants, Nova Scotia.
This is the only honorable thing to do until he is able to extricate himself if that is indeed possible, from the all but certain outcome of his being the “smoking gun” in the income trust scandal.

His selective memory on matters of self-incrimination and his self-denial of the optics in the coinciding of the timing of his emails, to one of the most active income trust bankers in the Country, and the announcement of the repealing of taxation of income trusts by former Liberal Cabinet Minister Ralph Goodale are just too blindingly obvious to be believable.

The shameless leftist media and Parliament are granting him all kinds of latitude on these criminal investigations all while on a witch hunt for the head of David Emerson who has done nothing more than cross the floor of the House of Commons.
An act, which while some have alleged to be unethical is not illegal and not punishable by jail time.

Where was the sanctimonious outrage demonstrate by the media when Scott Brison crossed the floor and increased his salary and prestige, and went from opposition MP to parliamentary secretary, and on to Cabinet Minister of Public Works in the Paul Martin’s government of the day?

On a leading nation news program at 5:00 p.m. est. a smug, arrogant Brison foolishly downplayed his whole investigation into his involvement in the income trust leak, and when questioned what effect this would have on his leadership bid indicated it was just “a bump in the road” of his political future.

Someone should let this goat know that a bump of this magnitude may be his car disappearing over the abyss of a parliamentary rock bluff if, and when he wakes up in hospital tomorrow!

Someone has to take the fall Mr. Brison… and that someone is to you!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Witch Hunt

Since when is the refusal to dignify a ludicrous waste of taxpayers time and money in the investigation of unethical behavior a breach of the law?
First of all this is not a matter of ethics, but one of partisan politics designed to further humiliate the Prime Minister into the optics he has done something illegal.

It is the prerogative of the P.M. to offer to and accept the defection of any defeated Cabinet Minister to a position of like kind, if it is in the interests that the Country gains the representation and council of that region in his own Cabinet.

Wayne Easter knows full well that being a Cabinet minister in a Liberal government is no more lucrative than crossing the floor to accept the same position in a Conservative administration.
Where was the media circus of clamor and kafuffle, and Bernard Shapiro to investigate Paul Martin’s illegal inducement of Belinda Stronach, when she went from being lowly M.P. to Cabinet Minister to gain him the deciding seat in a crucial confidence vote?

Now there was a clear breach of ethics and Shapiro did not need anyone to ask him to investigate the transgression, if he truly was a non-partisan, independent investigator at arms length of the government.

When asked to investigate the ethics of Tony Valeri's alleged land flips during the last election Shapiro declined for the reasons that he could not do so while there was no standing government in session.
Last time I looked there is still no standing government in session…so why is it now convenient for him to contradict his own previous inactions?

He botched both the Sgro and Grewal affairs and narrowly avoided a contempt of house vote, thanks to the ethics of the Bloq and Liberals, who can dish to out but cannot take it, when it come losing one of their own seats with dignity.

I submit to you that Bernard Shapiro is the individual devoid of ethical behavior and it should be he who is forced to resign immediate, as he has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is both an incompetent and corrupt partisan tool of capricious liberal design.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Not a Game to play at

Today’s news polls announced that 69.9% of Canadians support the withdrawal of our present troops from Afghanistan...

The supposed reasons that Canadians are nervous is because in their glaring, blissful ignorance we have slid from among the top of peacekeepers to 44th in the world, under thirteen years of Liberal negligence who sent our military to Afghanistan in the first place as fighting troops.

A soldier goes to war knowing he/she may be killed on any given day. This is the commitment they make to their Country when they enlist.
For their Country to turn around and recall them home after sending them into battle, when the first casualties begin to occur dishonors their courage and valor. It also makes them and their Country a laughing stock before the eyes of the allies they fight alongside of.

Canadians seem to think we can just play at peacekeeping and leave the dirty work of fighting to other Nations, and still have the respect of our allies and neighbors....
Don't be simple!
Much of the deaths occurring to our armed forces in the last thirteen years have been caused by accidents from arcane equipment and transport support.

Let me remind them that we have not done much serious peacekeeping since the end of the cold war in the 1990s, and have been living in the bubble we call Canada for the last decade and a half.
Are Canadians so naive to think that our soldiers patrol the streets of Kandahar, and Kabul with plastic bullets or none at all, or are they just so insulated from the ugly face of the truth that they think we can engage in war without casualty or ultimate loss of life?

It was the loss of Canadian life and those of all our allies in WWI, WWII, and Korea, which allow us to live in virtual peace and contentment here in this bubble.
The world in the 21st century has become a most dangerous place now than it was in the thirty peacekeeping years of the '60s - '90s.

Sovereignty comes with the price of those who are willing to defend it even with their very lives, whether it is in the streets of Kandahar or down town Younge Street.
Must there be a landed invasion before we deal with the merchants of terror?

Our troops are now well equipped, well trained, well led, and respected by their international counterparts. They are ready to lay down their lives in the cause of our right to freedom and peace. All they are asking is our blessing, support, and prayers to do so.

In my view this is the very least that we can do to show our gratitude to our heroic men and women of the Armed Forces of Canada!