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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Obfuscation and Obstruction

Yesteday in question period we saw the usual obstructionist tactics of the liberals, in that Stephane Dion was forced to quell a growing revote in liberal caucus in their breaking ranks over the extension of the five-year sunset terrorist provisions insisted on by Wayne Easter and Irwin Cotler in the first place post 9/11.

Why did Dion have to discipline his caucus with a three-line whip, as well as threaten any liberal MP who’d be foolish enough to resist voting the party line would not have his reelection papers signed by the leader?

Why the intransigent resistance to the previously unused tools for dealing with an immanent reality of a future terrorist threat?
What do the liberals have to loose by reinstating the clauses for even nine more months as high level communiqués from the conservative compromise have indicated, concerning the reopening of the Air India Bombings that the liberals 22 years of never-ending fumbling and blundering some 22 years ago? An investigation still in progress by the RCMP

Only months ago it appeared that the liberals had no problems renewing these controversial clauses for a proposed five year extension to which the conservative suggested three years instead, and now inexplicably Dion flip-flopped into complete irrationality, shadow cabinat MP John McCallum siting only that, since the clauses have never been evoked there are no longer useful to perserve.

Knowing full well the optics of the situation, Dion and liberal band of scoundrels continue to put their own hidden agenda ahead of the deadly implications to the public’s safety from future public terrorist attacks. No doubt wishing the tories to take the fall in the event disaster befalls our beloved nation.

Can it be that the true reason Dion has reneged on his commitment is because the liberals are hiding the next potential scandal, incompetence, or worse yet further corruption?

Is it the truth more that Harper has been seen to be that damned hound dog sniffing around the hedgerow, and unearthing the recently buried remains of further bodies of the liberal’s unwanted and unsavory past?

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Science of Fudging the Polls

What is in a poll anyway? All that is conclusive is that one poll yesterday showing a certain set of voter tendencies is contradicted by a different pollster a couple of days later, and the result so conversely divergent that that all that can be ascertained is they cancel each other out.

Polls can be skewed to misrepresent the facts by the way the question is posed and the consensus wished to be formed. If we wish to achieve a certain poll percentage result, then it is only a matter of getting those polled to respond to a measured probability of hypothetical behavior.

Now the great and wizened spin Dr.’s are telling us that the polls are indicating the so called “attack ads” are not causing the Tories numbers to rise, but conversely those who have become disenchanted with the true facts about Dion's pitiful record on the environment, are going to the NPD and the Green Party or at least they would like to spin it to that fashion.

How is it they are conservative attacks if the ads are excerpts from the recent liberal leadership hopefuls, who are denouncing their own leader on his past record?

Fudging the facts?

You decide!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Revelation (Not So Much)

So the real “hidden agenda” of the socialist Liberals is exposed through the over zealous lips of their vicious attack dog, none other than, Ajax Pickering MP Mark Holland.

It is no secret that when the Liberal Party of Canada sees an asset of economic promise they invariably seize upon it, as if in fact it is their god given right as “the naturally governing party” to do so, and if they cannot subvert its integrity they will tax its every movement to the very death of its existence.

So it was with the Trudeau Federal Liberals and the Lockheed Albertan Provincial Government of the late 70s energy rip-off called the National Energy Program.

The mistreated and abused entity eventually became the unwanted child, Petro-Canada.

So it comes as no surprise that the brotherhood of organized crime syndicate wants it’s take of the action, and will stop at nothing to lay it’s filthy hands on what is not it’s rightfully it’s own.

The inadvertent outright admissions of such lay before you!