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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sleeping with the Enemy

I am getting violently sick and tired of the steady diet of woeful bleatings from the extreme left and squishy left of center on their wretched sensibilities on the subject on Taliban detainees.
If they have no stomach for realities of the third world's Stone Age means of interrogation maybe they should wet their delicate painted pinky toes in a course of real world 101.

The Taliban prophesized that when Canadians see their soldiers coming back in body-bags they would not have the resolve to finish what they had began. The weak-kneed socialists and the left loving media, an extension of the propaganda arm of the old corruptionist Government of the liberals are playing right into the enemies devises.

They wanted to lower our official flag on the Peace Tower for each and every soldier fallen against the wishes our own military, in full view of the Parliament buildings cam that can be seen anywhere in the world on the internet.
Last time I checked these guys don't wear a uniform distinguishable on a battlefield. They are not waging a conventional war as did those who the Geneva Convention was devised to protect.

So why should we extend them the rights afforded to the conventional soldier?
They are guerills. They will never play by conventional rules as they are quite happy using innocents as human shields. They laugh at the weekness of the Canadian main stream media, opposition parties and their deluded, brainwashed supporters.

What the left and their media fear mongers are doing to our troops is tantamount to aiding and abetting the enemy’s efforts to undermine our military resolve, and moral for the dangerous mission which the liberals agreed to put us in this position in the first place.

Now these irresponsible lunatics, who continue to play politics, who just don’t get it, are putting this murderous lot above our valiant sons and daughters.
Those who are saying our troops in Afghanistan are behaving like terrorist, or marching under the banner of other known scumbags such as Hezbollah.
At the end of the day their whole sorry act of the phony outpouring of disingenuous sympathies for the Taliban, the Canadian war-dead, and resistance to our mission overseas is really only just that…

A shameless, phony, tawdry act to play to terrorist sympathizers for votes in the coming election.

If you’re not behind our troops then get in front of them!