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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dion Suicides

What was Stephane Dion thinking when he was alleged to have said Canada must intervene militarily at the Afghanistan/Pakistan border inferring overtly, to the international community that Pakistan is not capable to govern its own borders, leaving President Pervez Musharraf no option but humiliated outrage and indignation?

Has he no inkling as to how he is viewed by the Pakistani Government thanks to the main stream media’s preoccupation with the incessant polling done as to the liberal chances of regaining power in the next general election?

First of all he has no business undermining the present government, Prime Minister Harper and his own safety by sticking his long Pinocchio nose into the military operations at Kandahar air base, as the PM already has a fact finding commission in place being headed up by John Manley (liberal).They achieved nothing other than to upset President Hamid Karzai, and our troops who want to stay until the job is done.

What kind of village idiot on one hand wants to pull our military out of Kandahar with one breath and in the next put them in harm way again berating the President of Pakistan competency, imploring NATO to invade the borders of its neighboring and sovereign country?

Is this what 33% of Canadian voters embrace? Is this who they want as leader of their homeland country?
Stephane Dion at the helm making irrational, ill conceived, ill though-out decisions backed by a cadre of short-sited obsequious office hunters?
I shutter to think of the concentrated power built up in the Office of the Prime Minister falling into the hands of this contemptible fool.