The Truth of Two Tales
This whole affair reeks of tawdry disgust! Where was Dona Cadman and the public outrage after the May, 2005 Martin confidence vote. Why are we taking her word over Chuck's official public statement concerning all party offers (or bribes) made on Mike Duff Live, if he was as “pissed off" as she claims he was? What really flabbergasts me is how she has the brass nerve to continue on with the Surrey north candidacy for the CPC, with the unmitigated gall to embroil the party in this trumped-up "scandal" of conjecture, floating blithesomely along downstream taking everyone over the top of the falls??? It only goes to prove “the left bias” in this country is only too happy to join the mob mentality of storming the Bastille. Brandishing firebrands with which to burn the witch heretics, on the hearsay of some malingering peasants, who claim they’ve overheard the accused of talking to spirits, and communing with the Devil. If this passes for modern day journalistic objectivity then the media in print, and on the air are indeed agonizing upon the death throws of both their dwindling circulation, and their dying influence in shaping responsible public opinion. Instead they should be amused to watch the opposition parties gnashing their teeth, and beat their chests in lamentation of the melodrama, they hope will deceive to tarnish the Conservative brand. Do they really believe that the Tories have the means at their disposal to hold the feet of insurance underwriters to the fire and cover a certified dying man? Take the chance on being caught financing a bride to the tune of a million dollars, so as they can bring down the existing minority Government inevitable fall, six months earlier? Don’t be simple man, I’ve read bedtime tales to my child more credible than any of this tripe can muster. |