Addiction to Power
We all knew the predictable would happen… we were only waiting! The loathsome, and hideous media with their sanctimonious nose firmly up the ass of the politically correct left, fell all over themselves yeterday to condemn conservative agriculture minister Gerry Ritz’s private comments, in what should have remained a private conference call to bureaucrat staffers. In a wave of less than popular resignations / firings from the NDP, and Green parties the only thing juicy enough to warrant the petty attention of the sensationalists is Gerry Ritz. Couched in the shoddy guise of “insensitive”, and “inappropriate” (their favourite catch phases), the new religious green zealots of left media attempt to make war on the fiscally centre of right Tories out of desperation to “STOP HARPER” at any cost. Why? Because with the Libranos pathetic election campaign flipping and flopping like a fish up on dry land is the only way the MSM can point the bone, curse the Tories, and say “told you so, they’re the same neanderthal reform red necks we told they were, that have that scary “George Bush” hidden agenda. The media in their magnanimous pomposity, have self-anointed themselves the king makers and breakers of governments in this country for the last forty-one years, and have no qualms as to how far they’ll will sink to torpedo the Harper conservative to make them bow to their majesty. The only problem is the public is a lot more well informed now, and will not be led down the garden path to the ruination of the country, when it come the their own pocketbooks. They may look like country rubes to the media but the majority of the responsible public has its eye fastened to the bottom line of the cost of living, living within their means, and has no intentions of supporting grandiose expenditures at a time that is beginning to very much resemble "the great depression" days of the thirties in America. No matter how much the media longs for the good old days when they controlled the agenda in this country by manipulating the feeble minds of the left those days are over now, so now the MSM can get on with the job of getting over themselves and their greedy addiction to power! |