Mole in the Tory Works
It seems I am not alone in my perturbing suspicions concerning the immerging set-up of Natural Resources Minister, Lisa Raitt by her screaming, double-dealing, ministerial aid Jasmine MacDonnell... aka... liberal mole extraordinaire. Let’s examine the facts shall we? How can any rational thinking person accept the leaving of “secret and damaging documents at CTV headquarters (coincidence?), for a period of ten days without realizing she had not receipt of them, as missing, or incredibly not making any attempt to recover them? Answer: They cannot! Less than two days later we are asked to believe that the same Jasmine MacDonnell “accidentally” left audiotape in a washroom, which recorded personal and damaging ministerial conversations concerning medical isotopes . Then after her being notified of their discovery months in advance of there release, and she did nothing to recover them leaving the five-hour audiotape to be conveniently obtained by the Halifax Herald-Chronicle. Jasmine it is noted just so happens to the daughter of Ralston MacDonnell, a major benefactor and fundraiser for Michael Ignetieff’s campaign for as Prime Minister in the next election. This has all the earmarks of political reprisal for the alleged set up of Ruby Dhalla, prominent liberal star critic for youth and multiculturalism, in the "Nannygate" affair before the courts presently. Can we really be so naïve as to not equate that this is the work of this a liberal mole that has inexplicably infiltrated the CPC? Why would Jasmine MacDonnell try and stop the release of the tapes if there is nothing further in their content to damage her reputation, and then the broader question becomes who hired the lawyers to do so in the first place? This is more likely a failed attempt at a coup from inside the Conservative party. How did this backstabbing double-agent get the chance to have wormed her way into the position of a trusted cabinet aid? Why has the mainstream media bought into portraying this as her meaningful mismanagement of the isotope portfolio, and her use of the word “Sexy” having been so conveniently distorted as to willfully assassinate Minister Raitt's character? The more rational and disturbing explanation is someone in the old “Red Tory” (liberal) guard is working at cross-purposes to Steven Harper, and wishes to clear the way of his leadership, so as he can be supplanted by those who secretly call themselves “progressives” in the party, and are in fact aligned with the Ignatieff liberals? |