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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ramparts Fortified

Americans, who through that fateful shipment of tea overboard into Boston harbor, in doing so showed the several fanged, fearsome beast of vigilance and vengeance, that we (the people) will not to be easily be reckoned with again.

It was this definitive statement that we (the people), the heroes of freedom, the courageous of humanity, will never, ever live under the yoke of tyranny again!

It was the cause and effect of the early American Revolution from British subjugation, and it is never more relevant than it is today!

This was the one definitive moments of western democracy at its grass roots…

“No taxation without representation”

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Ever a Newest Low

Imagine my surprise, the morning after one of the most shocking and historic nights in Canadian political history (May 2, 2011), when I tuned into the new privately owned Sun News Network, and found out it had been removed from its Bell ExpressVu channel slot.

Apparently Bell is open to air the Sun News for free, but is unwilling to pay the going rate that it pays currently to CTV, and the publicly-owned publicly-funded broadcaster the reviled, and villainous CBC.

Make no mistake about it, the evil entity at the bottom of this heavy-handed tyranny is none other than the CRTC, and we will not tolerate their insolence further. This is the most craven, rudest of insults to Bell subscribers, and a flagrant incursion on freedom of speech, and freedom of the press in Canada.

This is nothing more than childish retaliation of the most pitiful and classless of losers. If they cannot win as victorious champions, they will do their filthy worst as the ugly vanquished.

They are the foulest of cowards and must be disciplined swiftly, as were their dying liberal masters “the naturally governing party”!