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Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Liberal Mask

The Reform Party of Canada insisted on fiscal responsibility not the red tailed Liberals.

They shot down that plank along with the rest of reformers until it was all but evident they could not win the next election unless they assumed the custodian roll of the champion of that reality…
Now they want to be recognized for those policies, which were foist upon them reluctantly, at the time by the Reform Party.

It was Steven Harper's Canadian values that suggested the Atlantic Province's prosper from their offshore oil when Paul Matin race in to rip off the mantle of it's true architect, and then neneged on the promise until their flags were lowered to half mast, before he saw Canadians would not accept his lies

Chameleons to the end, the Party of deceivers now try to take credit for the policies of their opponents, as they will every other policy that has traction with the public accept their own.

Paul Martin conveniently withheld a request for Judge Justice Gomery to investigate Step # 4 which would look into the Finance Department’s link to Ad Scam…

Deceit, distortions, half-truths, dissemination of disinformation, and outright lies, are the context for no vision for the future of Canada, the ugly truth about what Liberals really stand for.

Examine what they would do to the “Charter of Rights and Freedoms”...
When Paul Martin talks about removing the “not withstanding clause” which by of itself made possible the Charter.
The Lunacy and absolute stupidity of the notion would reduce Parliament to irrelevancy and impotency, leaving everything that is Canadian to the Supreme Court.

A women’s right to choose will not highjack parliaments obligation to get on with the business of the nation, and it’s commitment to its constituents values Paul Martin!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Don’t get Angry get Even

It is at lease to say ironic, that Quebec hold all the cards in the end, in that depending on whether the federalist vote will get behind the Conservatives, and elect as many as twelve seats to Government or not holds within it the power to put the Conservatives over the top and into a majority win on January 23rd.

If the furor in “la belle province” is as intense as has been reported with the governing Liberals then it is curious to examine the extent as to how far they will go to punishing the Grits for making them the butt of the nation for their scandalous iniquities concerning Ad Scam.

For if Quebec is looking for a way to express their disgust with “natural governing party” and not get angry, but even, then what better way than to deliver the Conservatives a decisive majority.
This would be as like cold edged steel to the very heart of the Liberal Party of Canada, and one from which “the big red machine” is not likely to recover from for some indeterminable time to come.

Quebec would not have betray their long term aspirations to give Confederation one more chance to make things right, but might also see that westerners are not so much different than themselves, when their wish is to have more control over their own resources and destiny.

A new prosperous Quebec, within a strong new Canada.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Nation Held to Damnation

Why it is the mainstream media has the need to shape public opinion over nightly poles?
With a possible majority in site and Martin making every possible gaff imaginable still he has the brass nerve to resurrect the appalling specter of abortion (a woman right to choose) with the media playing violins to the sickening chorus…

How could Harper dignify this loaded question (which has been answered over and over again) with a response that Martin could seize on?

This is beginning to play out as a cruel version of Ground Hog Day!

Canadians now are forced to ultimately decide whether they will cower and submit to the illusion of fear once again, or stand up and rid ourselves of this debilitating disease of insecurity…

If not, Canadians will come to know the most heartbreaking fear of all realized in the lifetime of their generations.

The end of Canada!

Think long and hard on E Day!

Choose your Canada!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Polls are for Dogs

Just how much influence do polls hold over people?
It has become pretty obvious that polls for the average Canadian with no particular interest in how his Country is run have a negative influence on how that person will vote, if that type of person will vote at all.

The bandwagon effect is substantial for those that like to feel good about supporting a winner. For those undecided votes there runs the risk that rather than make an informed choice at the polling booth polls troll for the politically ignorant among us, and in the long run are not helpful but counter productive.

Polls are usually right but as you have seen in the last election can be sorely wrong, which begs the question do people tell poll watchers the truth, or purposefully mislead them for reasons of political design?

This constant obsession with poll results have become more distracting than the issues themselves, leading one to wonder what would really be the result of a general election if no polling results were allowed but the final poll, the only one that really counts?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Media Attention

As per usual the Liberal Party of Canada in crisis management, lurching from one scandal to the next, shows it's hideous chameleon color of hypocrisy...

When it suits them white is white, but for every other situation black is white, and white is black...

Would anyone care to argue with Canada's chosen spoiled little brat, and the indulging media nanny who can't say no?

Trojan Horse

How is it that the socialists are able to get away with the unaccountable, and that no one ever holds their feet to the fire when it comes to the truth of things???

The left wing media bias is never more obvious than when it comes to identifying the enemy at our gates, and their devises to willfully allow the Trojan horse into our midst...

Decision Canada

If the Liberals are returned to power in the next general election Quebec will view this as a clear signal that the rest of Canada wishes to continue on in corrupt Liberal fashion, and will have been given no choice but withdrawing from confederation.

Alberta wanting no part of the same Ontario that has caused the breakup of the Country, will next follow suit and Canada will fall.

Apparently Canadians east of Manitoba have great difficulty grasping the real ramifications of supporting the Liberal Party of Canada one more time...
Next "Decision Canada" may be their last.

Tribal War Drums

The drums you hear in the background of each of the twelve propaganda attack lies are really jungle war drums summoning up the idea of the false ancient warlike mentality the Liberals would like to surreptitiously attach to Harper.

Subliminally send out a subconscious message "Harper will get us into a war we can't get out of".

This kind of message begs for swift counter measures!

RCMP Lapdogs

Anyone here notice how an investigation by the RCMP never has a conclusion to it???

Currently there are 33 different supposed investigations underway involving the Liberal Party.

What happened to the 19 separate investigations into Shawinigate?

What happened to last spring's investigation into the Reid/Dosanjh blatant bribery of Grewal affair?

It's become obvious that the RCMP is securely in the back pocket of the Liberal Party of Canada, and high time an independent investigation agency be created so that we make the appropriate convictions, and throw these politicians, bureaucrats, and other related white collar criminals behind bars where they belong for a long, long, time.

Canada has been watching the Sopranos too long!