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Friday, February 24, 2006

Muslim Apostates

The black Kafir, a radical terrorist breakaway sect of Islam, who beseech all Muslims to leave the peaceful ways of their true faith and join with the apostates, who claim that Muhammad teachings and actions include murder, rape assassination, beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead, have at last unmasked their true intentions and heinous face of barbarism.

Among other madness they claim...........
"They are doing nothing that their prophet did not do and did not encourage his followers to do, "to delight the hearts of the believers" were all practiced by Muhammad, were taught by him and were observed by Muslims throughout their history.
The root of Islamic terrorism is Islam. The proof of that is the Quran.
A nuclear disaster is upon us. This will happen. It is not a question of "if" but "when".
We urge the Muslims to leave Islam. Stop with excuses, justifications and rationalizations. Stop dividing mankind into "us" vs. "them" and Muslims vs. Kafirs. Muhammad was not a messenger of God"..............

Now you see the insanity of this rising tide of the true face of the enemy...

From Al Qaeda , the Taliban, Hamas, Hesbola, to the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and all other Arab terrorist zealots there remains one terrible underlying truth, that these butchers will not rest until all decency, and respect for Islam and all other religions has been totally eradicated.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Absolute Cheek

The so-called Canadian main stream, moderate media has become like some gas town junky only intent on its next fix!

Who do the media think they are that it is their agenda that we all follow, rather than the newly elected Government?

Did we not just elect them to get on with the nation's business and not the media's?

Who made them the keepers the eternal flame of vigilance over the citizens of the country of Canada?

Why it is the Canadian media feels the need to examine every petty event under the microscope of their own self-importance?

Who made them the sanctimonious, hypocritical protectorates of the great unwashed?
I'm not completely naïve as to why the media is a valuable ally to partisan political parties…
I'm even cool when it comes to their charade of playing all sides against the middle…

But when it is an obvious case of political hatchet work designed to denigrate the newly elected leader of our great nation, because he won't go out of his way to curry favor with the self proclaimed importance of the left leaning media…I take furious exception to their ostentatious bullshit.

Realizing "the media have a job to do, and the public has a right to the news" they also have the right the unsullied truth and have the right to decide for themselves without the slanted propaganda of a biased media, driven by their own need to make deadlines and news at whatever the costs to the poor smuck who winds up a body in someone's closet because they didn't play ball with them.

Is it really any wonder why Harper won't smooze with the enemy after the feeding frenzy the media met out to him, with such phony outrage and disgust over Emerson's decision to carry on the work he started by crossing the floor of the commons to do so?

To add further fuel to the fire the enemy's condemnation of Fortier, a temporary unelected appointed Senator to his cabinet, although his credentials however impeccable meets with the enemy's distain. Who is more qualified to sit as member on the treasury board and provide representation for the City of Montreal…Paul Martin?

Desperate times give rise to desperate means…

Before any new legislation is tabled one must have the most experienced and brightest minds to execute the will of any meaningful change, if mistakes are to be avoided.

Is it any surprise that he won't leak details of his plans to circumvent the evil designs of the left who wait to pounce on them, and waylay his plans to save the nation from it's own folly and former corruption?

Is the media so foolish as to think that he will trust those who have gone out of their way to keep him and the west's influence from power, and made his life a hell in the first week of being sworn into office?

If so the media are in for a rougher ride in the coming days and weeks ahead than they have served up to a Prime Minister in his first, who has not even been granted the benefit of the doubt, before his first day on the floor of Parliament Hill.

Everyone desires to remain informed of our Countries most recent developments, but the news will be revealed in its good time, and not by the media's timetable, so as tripe can be served up and sold for false profit in its present fish wrap!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Harper's Decision

After a brilliantly run election campaign, has Harper committed the most needlessly foolish gaff of his illustrious career?
The so-called experts claim that the new PM is again doing the same things that hurt him in the past, by trying to do everything himself and not listening to who got him to the big dance.

There are factions that claim the Harper’s motives for selecting a liberal turncoat and an unelected appointee into his cabinet, have less to do with representation of big cities and than that of big business interests.

While the later is likely more the truth than the former, newly elected Prime Minister Steven Harper could well be on his way to political suicide and eventual oblivion, if he continues to hide down rabbit holes and stonewalls a ground swell of political condemnation for his recent actions.

Although Parliament has yet to sit in the house and many of the old ways of dirty politics are still very much in fashion, and an eye for an eye for the lose of the Stronach seat that has now be avenged, Harper has turned all of his high road ethics into hypocrisy!

A truly great leader of men should not be made to realize that if although the motives however noble lead to the dissolution, disappointment, and fracture of a newly formed caucus, and conservative support structure ethically, and financially then ultimately those ends will not justify the means.

A truly leader will know that by it’s reaction a mistake has been committed, and thereby having the fortitude to publicly admit to such, make the appropriate changes, and move on quickly learning by those mistakes.

There is no shame in wanting to do the right thing, but knowing it is both the wrong time and wrong way to make such changes, as it abrogates the best interests of the nation it is intended to serve.

My great hope is our new leader will have the courage and foresight to do what he is loath to, and maintain the credibility and integrity, which he worked so hard to achieve in the ultimate goal of leading a nation out the wilderness of cheap sleazy politics, and into the 21st century of an accountable honesty.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Freedom and Respect

Yes I support freedom above and beyond all religion, and politics...

Freedom of choice, freedom of act, freedom to bear arms, and the freedom of speech.

These are the ideals that our democracy was born and based on.

I have seen with mine own eyes cartoons depicted by Muslim extremist and their media outlets, which summon up the horrific crimes perpetrated on the Jews in World War II turned into a parody on the Palestinian internment camps...

While this is both repugnant and offensive to me, it did not become the ignition point to riot, loot and burn as have the recent cartoons depicting the Islamic profit as a terrorist.

The profit Muhammad said to "hold to forgiveness, and to turn away from the ignorant", as was the word of Christ to "turn the other cheek", and to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

I think the cartoon however vulgar and ill conceived as it has become, is meant to question moderate Muslims, in that the teachings of Muhammad would never condoned the acts of heinous, violence especially on the innocents.

It is time for those moderates to speek out against these cowardly acts!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Ship of Fools

After the architect of undermine, and fracture of the party jumped his own sinking ship, leaving all the deluded faithful to "fend for themselves", the subject of abject scorn and forsaken for his fall from grace, the great leader of the hypocrites touts his alleged grandiose achievements.

Ironic is it not, that all of the supposed bastions of liberal outrage and rhetoric have turned away the crowning achievement, of leadership of a party in chaos...

Resolute without exception not a one of the old guard,but for a ragtag collection of, one trudeaesque intellectual who supports the Iraq war, two cretien francophones, one so called hard core martinite, and two former liberal moles cleverly disguised as Tories, are all that remain the hopefuls of a party in decay, dissolution, and descent into madness.

Most informed opinion has it that Belinda Stronach and Scott Brison have now become the frontrunners in the liberal leadership race, but now each of them are cautiously weighing their support, and the recriminations of actually winning first prize. Each of them wondering if McKenna, Manley, Tobin, and Rock don't covet the regal chalice, then they must know something that we don't right?

Wrong, someone must take the fall for the Liberal Party of Canada and who better to assume the sacrificial wooden-headed dummy than Stronach herself, with her superficial fashion following of empty-headed female liberal supporters, who would like nothing better than to trumpet the arrival of the first woman liberal leader of their storied history.

This author would advise Ms. Stronach to find the best French language tutor big money can buy, and get ready for six to eight years as a feeble voice in the wilderness, as leader on the opposition benches, after which time the old guard will rear their ugly heads again to usurp her with the long knives of that day!

Dangerous Voters


If the last two elections have done anything positive, they have proven that four out of ten Canadians are either too apathetic or ignorant of informed choice to bother too vote…

I submit to you that each and every citizen growing up in Canada’s education system should be required to take a civics course, and should be mandatory to graduate in order to gain the right to vote in this country.

We have far too many undecided voters who do not make an educated, informed choice, by voting for the front-runner in association to the perceived winner, wooed by the media’s special interests, or casting their ballot in irrational, abject fear of unsubstantiated lies by partisan interests.

Indeed the real travesty would be to force an electorate to vote under penalty of law, only to find that the possible repercussions may well decide a counterproductive, if not dangerous future.