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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Tiger Trap

The Tamil Tigers are now ascending to a new highly visible terrorist status undoubtedly linked to the Al-Qaeda network in Pakistan, who is doing all that it can to foment anarchy in Shi Lanka and in the light of the recent Mumbai bombings in India.

The Tamil network of soliciting funds from its sympathisers all over North America (although illegal in the US) has gone on unchecked until recently where charges of bribery have been levelled against the terrorist regime.

Didn't "Waterloo" Suresh Sriskandarajah, a Tamil electrical engineering student operative in Canada, think he might be attracting the ever watchfull eye of British itellegence when attempted to "contacted a British warship-design firm and asked to buy $22,000 worth of software for the Tigers, according to the U. S.

A US sting operation involving bogus top level corrution, four years in the making netted authorities five home grown Canadian conspiritors, in the ever evolving revelation that Canada under the blind eye of the soft Libreral underbelly of buying votes to keep power has never been more glaringly blatant.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Death Wish

Today’s news headlines illustrate just how far the opposition parties have fallen into disgrace, and how they are willing to stoop to any lengths to pick up the terrorist vote in the next election.

It was obvious from the outset what this so-called fact-finding mission was and why the designated Tory MP decided to cancel before departure. This was nothing more than an overt attempt to counter and embarrass the Governments condemnation of Hezbollah.

It is nothing but a crass opprotunistic attempt of playing the politics of desparation.

Do these unmitigated fools seriously think that any organization committed to the destruction of Israel will sit unalarmed at the same table as the "Zionist enemy" which they are sworn to destroy?

This is truly a testimony how far out of touch the left has become in this Country!

It is painfully clear they will stop at nothing to regain power and it is up to each and every one of us to prevent that from every taking place.

To invite Hezbollah in is too take poison into your heart.

One must have a wish for death!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Torpedoed Again

The mainstream media never misses a chance to attempt to torpedo the PM when ever and wherever possible for not sucking up to their good graces, and so once again the media in concert with the left and extreme left critics denounce the absence of Harper from the International Conference on Aids.

Reports have been coming in all week that Harper... that soulless insensitive, is a homophobe, and their inferences that his snub is all but tantamount to condemning the moral outcasts to the purgatory they deserve.

Such is the perception they wish him to be viewed. The optics they wish him to be scorned by.

When Bill Gates addressed the great conflagration of hypocrites this week about the single most common denominator of control and arrest of acquired immune deficiency syndrome... "abstinence", the greater presence there voiced their disapproval and continued ignorance to a chorus of Boo’s.

Just because sexual enjoyment is well known to be impeded by the use of a condom is no excuse for the reckless abandon of it's non usage, and abdication of ones responsibilities to the sexual healthy of your partner or your own self.

The odds of contracting of the disease and possible death are greater than playing Russian roulette.

The world can no longer use the excuse that even the most primitive tribalism on the African Continent, have not been offered the education of the safety in the use of the condom.

Meanwhile the Prime Minister is vilified for taking a stand on and concentrating his summer months out of parliament unifying our Arctic sovereignty, so as we might make a statement to the rest of the world that those Countries such as Denmark and it's audacious claim to our international boundaries can and will not be recognized or tolerated.

Where do you stand on the greater truth of his leadership?

Friday, August 11, 2006


The man who may soon cause the horror of a modern day nuclear exchange and all of its retaliatory retribution, may well be willing to make the Country of Iran into a super-human suicide bomb.

Madness you you and I unfathomable... but to this crazed Mahdaviat zealot he believes that he is but a tool of "Al-Mahdi" and hastening the opening of the way for the coming Islamic messiah.

The "Guided One" foretold in the Qu'ran and the Hadith who "will rise to great power and conquer the world for Islam. He will annihilate Christians and Jews, will conquer Jerusalem, and will fill the world with Islamic justice."

Prophesied to rule the world for seven years under a perfect government and bring about a perfect spirituality among the peoples of the world.

Sound like someone familiar to you?

Sounds to me like the number of "the Beast" "for it is the number of a man, and can be counted".

I'm truly convinced they are one and the same!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Does anyone really believe Hezbollah would honor a cease-fire if one could be negotiated in the first place?

This is the real reason Lebanon was under previous occupation by Israel from 1978 -2000.
So that the 30 miles to the Litani River served as a buffer zone, so that Israel could defend its northern territory and borders, and not as the Arab world falsely claims was about water!

Hezbollah instigated this whole hostility from the outset when they perpetrated an incursion over Israel's borders under rocket fire, murders eight soldiers and kidnapped two more in a blatant act of war.

It has now been revealed that the dead bodies of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard have been found among those of the Hezbollah's.

This whole affair was staged as a smokescreen by Iran so as it could continue its nuclear proliferation violations, when they knew they were at the top of the agenda to be dealt with by G8 summit sanctions.

Ahmadinejad has been reported to said that he will deliver his final statement to the United Nations on August 22nd. A curious statement to announce and disturbingly ominous date to be sure, and what new horror does he plan to perpetrate on Israel by making it?

Will Iran's nuclear capability for delivery of his enrichment program come to fruition by this mysterious date?

Read and be very afraid

The world can only tremble, praying, and waiting...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Human Shields

So now Syria rears its ugly head by its saber rattling of it's "military readiness". Their supply of rocketry to Hezbollah has escalated to midrange targets as they yearn for the taste of Semitic blood.

There can be no doubt left that these despicable Hezbollah cowards are launching their offensives from mobile Katyusha rocket launchers
with the express hopes that when Israel retaliates to the site of rocket launch, they will destroy innocent civilians as they are being used as human shields whether women and children, or unarmed United Nations observers alike.

If the Lebanese army will not drive out Hezbollah and occupy southern Lebanon then it is obvious that the Lebanese Government has no intentions to end this war, nor ever had but is willing to make its homeland a place of utter devastation to avenge what end...I cannot foresee?

Why a country would allow itself to become the theater of war and thereby relinquish its sovereignty, and subjugate its citizens to be overrun by the foreign influences of Syria and Iran, so that they might profit by destabilize any lasting peace in the region at the cost of the Country's desolation.

The Shiite feud with the true sons of Abraham dates back to ancient biblical times, and has stained the desert with their blood for as long as the Semites have endured.
By inflaming their Lebanese host they gained back valuable access to previously occupied borders that the Israelis reluctantly, but in good faith withdrew from in 2000 to their great chagrin.

Recently we leaned that Hezbollah has fallen back to strongholds along the south-eastern border of Syria, no doubt in hopes that a misguided Israeli attack draws Syria directly into the ongoing destruction.

It is perfectly obvious that Lebanon is but a puppet of the anti-Hebrew and deplorably, seems willing to sacrifice their women and children in a vein attempt to protect Hezbollah.

Absolute insanity!!!