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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Political Suicide

The Liberal Party of Canada already bitterly divided over support for the war in Afghanistan, now has endeavored to put the finishing nails in it's own coffin, as the party is reportedly close to officially advocating that Quebec be recognized as a Nation within Canada.

Marc Garneau, former Canadian astronaut being the voice leading the charge of lemmings over the edge of the political abyss.
The separatists in Quebec rubbing their hands together, and smacking their lips at the coming feast cannot believe their great good fortunes, as sovereignist elements within the Quebec wing of the Liberals conspire to doom the party to its inevitable political suicide.

Only a party that has a death wish in the next election would be so bereft of good judgment, as to wish to open the constitution debate, and ensuing legal wrangling that is bound to follow on it heels.
To the average Canadian this smacks of the "Meach Lake/Charlottetown Accords", as the two failed packs ominously rang Brian Mulroony's death knell.

This whole new digusting development out of the LPC is nothing but an overt attempt to curry favor with the Parti Quebecois voter in the coming federal elections, risking the health of the unity of the Country, proving once again there is no new low water mark that Liberals are not willing to descend to.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Cost of Defiance

It is never a good idea to be a Member of Parliament and have an active blogsite, as it provides rightly or wrongly unwanted information to detractors who will invariably used that as cannon fodder to misrepresent the truth no matter how benign the subject matter.

It is one thing to have an open website when in opposition and critiquing the governing party's endeavors to run the Country, but it is quite another thing indeed to be a member of the governing caucus, and keep it the focus of each and everyone who wishes to use it as a source for leaks to slander and malign the Governments efforts.

It is for just this reason that Monte Solberg, Steven Fletcher and John Baird all had the good sense to limit their own websites to a minimum of pertinent information, and not controversial opinion. It is just good judgment!

The problem with having an active blogsite is that no one realy knows who will be reading it, and to what extent you may be unwittingly supplying the enemy with insight into the cohesiveness of that party's fortunes or turmoil, which may or may not be the case.

In the case of it was no secret that the member of Halton-Peel was no fan of the PM's from that of his first week of office, as it became quickly evident that he was to be disciplined for criticizing the Harper government for the acceptance of David Emerson's defection, and the appointment of Michael Fortier to the Senate.

Turner has been aptly described by the mainstream media as having a death wish when it came to accelerating his expulsion from caucus and the party, talking openly to an antagonistic press gallery eagerly grasping at anything available, to rip the Prime Minister for not lauding them as the true king-makers they're under the delusion of being.

The real question is why Garth Turner's defiance was tolerated for as long as is was, as everyone could see that the writing was on the wall since day one?

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hoof in Mouth Desease

Once again Michael Ignatieff has been made to swallow up his ruminations on the laying of blame for the contracted Middle East war between Israel and Lebanon.

Fool that he is after commenting originally (''This is the kind of dirty war you're in when you have to do this and I'm not losing sleep about that") that the deaths of numerous innocents in Qana last August was not deplorable, in an unprecedented flip-flop of policy now charges the same Israelis of "War Crimes" against humanity.

What he leaves conveniently out of the equation is that Hezbolla purposefully targeted those same innocents, firing rockets on Haifa from mobile Katyushas, deliberately knowing that any retaliatory strikes from Israel would be see in the eyes of the world as infamy.

Now in complete damage control he once again reverses his stance saying he will go where he has been many times before, to the middle east and find out first hand what the truth might really be.

Meanwhile the in- the- pocket of Taliban Jack socialist media, the Prime Minister has been criticized as out of form, and that of a member of parliament's status in stating that during the whole mid-east crisis the liberals were offside, fence-sitters, or no where to be seen on the topic of true leadership.

Prime Minister Harper fast to his word and to this day came out first, to his credit in the commendation of Hezbollah from the outset, long before President Bush took his lead from Harper, and not as the mainstream leftist media would have you believe that Harper is but a pawn of the Bush administration.

The claims of the sucking socialist skanks are at best ultimately false and diminutively laughable!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Zaccardelli's days numbered?

Is it time to sack Giuliano Zaccardelli?

As Commissioner and top cop of the RCMP, he has been accountable for nothing but the bungling of multitudes of criminal investigations dating back as far the Human Resources Department of Canada boondoggle.
Where did the money go?
Was there ever anyone prosecuted?

Then there were the thirteen ever-ongoing investigations into the "Shawinigate" scandal. The handling of the François Beaudoin affair and the deal cut by Chretien on the back of a dinner napkin.
Nothing of any really significance was solved but a huge bill to taxpayers.

Then lo and behold allegations that the RCMP were among those who allegedly accepted Sponsorship gratuities in return for what?
To dummy up and play the incompetent, and keep their mouths shut?

Next was the Scott Brison income trusts scandal
Surely you cannot believe that there was any real investigation into of this travesty of justice much less punitive charges come out of it.
God no, how stupid I forgot... Zacardelli was a Liberal appointee.

The latest and greatest is the Maher Arar fiasco created under the Liberal's ever watchless eye after 9/11.
How could the RCMP be so inept, to have the delivered Arar into the already highly agitated, and still in the state of shell-shocked, Americans without having done all their homework on the man.

Undoubtedly Zaccardelli has not been terminated yet because Arar has already a law suit the against the Canadian Government, so dispatching him at this point would be a admission of guilt, and an apology will not be forth coming from the PM until all the facts are weighed very carefully.

Notwithstanding... I suspect Commissioner Zaccardelli's days are numbered!