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Friday, March 30, 2007

Oh Danny Boy your Pipes are Whining

What’s with Danny Williams, does he think he runs Ottawa by the outrage of his proxy?

Up until the 2004 general election and Steven Harper’s newly minted proposal that Newfoundland be allowed to keep the lion’s share of proceeds of her non-renewable resources, the Liberals were quite happy to take all her money into the federal coffers for the unforeseeable future but for the PM’s generous offer.

It was the footsteps of Paul Marten that could be heard racing to the deal to anti-up the pot. Then in typical fashion the liberals were the ones who reneged on the deal. Williams then bellyached until he literally shamed martin into compliance.

I don’t remember the Harper pledging any such deal in the 2006 election probably for the fact that Atlantic Canada has been the kept women of the Liberal Party of Canada since 1867 and doesn’t plan on changing her ways any time soon.

The hard reality of governing such a diverse Country with so highly regionalized interests is there is only one pot, and one must have priorities when doling out the goods on budget day. The PM said he would deal with the fiscal imbalance created by Martin under the Chrétien liberals and he did so.

Danny Williams got Newfoundland’s fair share of the Federal transfer payments based on the current formula of what she gives into, and what she get out of Confederation in return.

Problem is Danny Williams wants his cake and eat it too.

Go ahead Danny; spend your share of the spoils on an expensive ad campaign targeting Harper as the betrayer, but you won’t be changing one vote that wasn’t decided already.

The next thing you know he’ll be threatening to pull Newfoundland out of confederation!

Come to think of it Danny... you could always take down all your Canadian flags again.

This from the same politian who once proposed to metre the air Newfoundlanders breathed!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Bleeding Hearts

The Prime Minister and I must have the same thought process, because my intentions were to address this issue before he could, but he's beaten me to the punch.

We were definitely on the same page on this one ever sense the Opposition has made a national outrage, the fact that concerns that the Taliban’s human rights as a prisoner of war supersede concerns that of our own Armed Forces to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people.

Why the manufacture outrage over a barbarian hoard who punish women with a savage beating for the inadvertently clicking of their heels on the street? Where women would be beheaded for leaving their dwellings without the company of a man. Where girls are denied to benefit of an education.

What greater human rights cause than that of the women of Afghanistan, but who are the socialists sympathies with... that's right the agents of terror and despotism.Soft on terror, soft on crime... those are the undeniable facts about liberals.

How is it we are so sanctimoniously smug to think that Taliban human rights should take precedent over the rights of those they have mercilessly beaten, repeatedly raped, and murdered, over the human rights of their own victims?

Since when is it our divine right to tell them how to met out justice to their own as they have done so since biblical times, and will continue to do so where we do not hear of it nor imagine they do torture to?

As for cries for Gordon O'Connor to step down as Defense Minister, they are at best laughable unless they can provide evidence to the effect that he set out to deliberately to mislead parliament into thinking the Red Cross would report any prisoner abuses to Canada, was not just a humiliating oversight on his part. He has already provided a graceful and contrite apology to parliament for his misspeaking himself on this subject, what more do they want...a pound of flesh?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Howling of Jackals

The Prime Minister criticized as being every thing from pawn of the big oil interests to a climate change denier, can do no right when it comes to silencing his detractors.

If he chooses to give any other matter but the environment to turn his attentions to, he is as good as lynched by the green mob on Parliament Hill and main stream media hypocrites whose passion for this agenda has become an outlet or their own personal war with the PM.

If he spends 520 million at creating a made-in-Canada solution to the Yuppy environmental abuses and neglect of the last thirty years, he is denounced as merely repackaging environmental projects previously proposed as being Liberal ideas dropped by the Tories from their last federal budget. The other popular attack is that he is blatantly electioneering his own governments defeat, dolling out goodies to the provinces and territories equally as he said he would do in addressing the fiscal imbalance, created by the Chrétien/Martin liberals in the first place.

The Grits are mad as wet hens at the thought of Harper shinning at the credit for spending their ill begotten “slush funds” they worked to hard to hide and attempted to keep at arms length of the Auditor-General’s scrutiny.
No, better it be funneled back into liberal coffers be used to re-elect the naturally governing party, in the next general election or find it’s way to liberal friendly ad agencies and grit ground supporters, rather than back to those to whom it was stolen from in the first place, the Canadian tax-payer.

No don’t give the Prime Minister any credit for doing the right thing for the Country and for a much too long over-due change in the philosophy of Canadian politics.

That is by putting Canada’s interests and Canadian’s benefits ahead of petty partisan gains and corruption of our national institutions.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Cheney Lights a Fire

Surprise, surprise, saints preserve us and heaven bless us!

It would seem that President Pervez Musharraf and his countrymen of terrorist sympathizers can indeed find a host of Taliban when it suits their own interests to do so.

Only days ago the Pakistani Government boldly challenged the west to prove they were harboring criminal terrorist.
Only after a visit from US Vice-President Dick Cheney had lit a fire of the fear of sanctions under their collective buts, did they move on apprehending one of the enemy's major terrorist leaders in Quetta, the capital of the south-western province of Balochistan.

I have gone on record 07/08/06 as having stated that Mullah Mohammad Omar and Osama bin Laden have made this province their refuge since Torah Bora was bombed back into the stone age in 03/04/03.

The insurgence under the direction of these two fiends and their fanatical generals have been a constant source of frustration to NATO forces who, not able to root out the fundamentalist jihadi, but still charged with the rebuilding of Afghanistan cannot, because it would take an act of overt war to Pakistan to take out bin Laden or Omar so long as they remain harbored within their protective borders.

The only way to deal with a den of deadly vermin is to force them from their filthy nests out into the light of day, so as they can meet with their cowardly fate, so as they can dealt with by their ruthless god!