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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Flag Flap

Why is it so hard for 49% of Canadians polled and the opposition parties to honor the traditional military view of lowering our flag once a year on the day we honor all our war dead and those that have sacrificed their very lives so that we have the right to debate about this misguided nonsense?

The opposition to this whole kafuffle is really about the resistance to the ideology of being at war with anyone no matter the cause. So that if those over zealous, pseudo dramatists can’t have some statistic of body bags to point at, whip themselves into a lather over, wrap themselves in the flag of what they wish to be perceived as anti- American symbolism they rail at the first signs of true leadership.

So it is that the hypocrisy of the hippie turned yuppie baby boomers, having never had to served their Country in a war to preserved the right to their own freedom and their children’s children, think it is their god given right to this thing they think there are the champions of…peace in the world.

It was unanimously agreed upon by Parliament to lower our flag to half mast the day this war began, on September 11th, 2001 to grieve the loss of 2,595 lives were lost including 24 Canadians.
A cataclysmic turning point of that magnitude in mankind’s history warranted extra ordinary events.

The lowering of the our flag on the Peace Tower should take the greater significance of only taking place when events occur commemorating the greatest of tragedies, and foremost at the 11th hour, on the 11th day, on the 11th month of every year, as long as our free world exists. Thus all of those who fell in battle to preserve our freedom be honored, cherish and respected together as one unit, one cause, one flag, and one ideal.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Kyoto No!

Anyone remember "Here Come the Seventies"?

Here Come the Seventies was originally a wildly speculative CTV television show from 1970.

In that television program exposé we were made fully aware by environmentalist of the time how the course of our then present actions, would have serious ramifications and what the costs of failing to act on our future would subject us to. We had apple time to act then but didn't, and thus have left it until the eleventh hour.

Instead only now the left of centre, and extreme left move to circumvent the situation, which we find ourselves in, the truth is since that time Canadians have had twenty-nine years of Liberal administration, and a total of nine years of Tories government to act on those imminent realities.

Only this week the maligned and beleaguered Brian Mulroney was held in high regard for his historic achievements and influence concerning his commitments to the Montreal Protocol, Acid Rain and being the progenitor of Kyoto, by none other than the elitist left.

Who then has to be held as the party of neglect and irresponsibility?

Who are the ones who should have been rightfully charged with continued abuse of the environment?

Before you get the impression that I'm waxing poetic in behalf of Mulroney I must make one thing perfectly clear and that is that I believe the Kyoto accord to be a flawed and regressive pact, which should no longer be pursued but scraped entirely.

Let us go back into the Earth's history to illustrate my point.
Where I live is what is known as the Laurentian Shield and has been proven by fossil remains to be carbon dated to the rock of the Precambrian Era (between 4.5 billion and 540 million years ago) and once existed under a tropical sea.

There is also extensive evidence from ice core samples from the Antarctic that indicate that the World has under gone repeated periods of intense solar activity every so many thousand measured years of the sun's cyclic history.
This truth exposes the falsehoods of global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions as nothing less than ignorant and misguided tripe.

Remember the panic over Y2K? What a pack of lies it was and how it made enough capital to buy Mercedes Benzes for those who were purported as the gurus of the cobalt mainframe bottom layer.
Well this lie is even more bogus and it appears as if this distortion has been propagated as fodder for socialist monetary gain.

Who would have ever thought that Suzuki was a capitalist rip-off? This is the same Suzuki that sucks at the same time he blows, by his eminent warnings that the melting of the icecaps will flood the entire Earth, and that the same the phenomena will also dry up all the rivers, lakes and oceans of the planet.

This would take a red giant to occur in order for that kind of truth to be upheld. It seems that because Suzuki exposes it then it must be true right?
How does Suzuki reconcile this in the context of the possibility of nuclear winter, or the second ice age, which was predicted by computer models as far back as 1976? Preposterous and absolute drivel by a parasitic, gibbering idiot!

Let's start with the Clean Air/Clean Water act, and Ethanol 85 and cut the crap with the Kyoto nonsense that quite frankly none of us can afford.

The same rhetoric that drives the socialist left, and their colluding media to gnash their teeth, and gnaw on their own tongues.

Start making sense or get off the bus!

Don’t take my word for read what the father of this whole scam (Claude Allegre) has to say about it now!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tigers Cornered And Caged

It is truly refreshing to see a government with enough courage to back up their words with the appropriate actions and not just the usual lip service…

So it is with the new Conservative Government as they made it official and condemned the murderous machinations of Tamil Tigers, by cutting off their funding and adding them to Canada's list of known terrorist organizations.

Since long before attacks on the World Trade Center the official Opposition has criticized successive Liberal Governments for refusing to denounce the Tamils organization. No wonder Canada has been up until now regarded as harboring criminal terrorists.

Gone is the hypocrisy of the criminal Liberal party's protection of Tamils by those like Paul Martin, who was reported as having shamelessly attended their fundraising dinners in order to curry the favor of their ethnic vote.
The old Liberal cowardice of refusing to deal with dangerous criminal elements amounted to nothing less than openly aiding and abetting terrorism.

"Their tactics have included dozens of suicide bombings and political assassinations, as well as ethnic cleansing of Muslims and recruitment of child soldiers".
The LTTE have press children into serving their fanatical armed rebellion for over two decades, at the cost of their youthful lives lost in their insane campaign for Sri Lanka's succession from India.

Indeed their desire for sovereignty rivals that of our own separatists, less the intensity of violence (since the days of the FLQ).
Let it serve as a chilling reminder that if we endorse other countries rebels, we may find that this same folly may be visited upon our own country one day.

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Old Boy's Network

The old boy's network is at it again…

If they can't trip up Harper by putting him in a disingenuous spot or get a quote they can later use to hang him out to dry on, they attempt to get one of his Ministers to commit to a public gaff.
As you will no doubt remember it was the loose canons, flying off at the mouth that cost Harper the 2002 election to Martin.

Is it any wonder how Harper has had to limit communication with the mainstream media out for his blood?
He not only has to combat three other parties on the left, but the double crossing leftist Media who will sacrifice any one or ideal to scoop a story as well, meanwhile they snivel and whine like the hungry cur that they are.

If they wish to engage in cordial questioning then they can start by having the requisite respect for the man who gave Canadians a viable option to the Liberal corruption of the last thirteen years, a man who won enough hearts and minds in Canada to elect him to a minority Government.
Instead we get the blatant display of contempt and entrapment the elitist print and television Media are demonstrating.
If they display an adversarial attitude they will be mirrored unto the double-edged sword that they are destined to fall on.

This Government is refusing to take the bait of biting on the socialist Media's attempt to expose their deluded perception of the alleged Harper hidden agenda.
The new PM is light years ahead of their ploy to sell their usual rubbish to an ignorant and waning public interest, into their obvious propaganda to discredit his attempt to change the way business to done in Parliament and in the media.

The Old Boys network doesn't like not being able to pull Harper or his Minister's strings the way they have for over forty years now and complains bitterly that there is less on the banquet table for them to gormandize their decadent appetites on, now that they have made themselves unwelcome interlopers on the spoils of their new host.

More and more is the discovery that the travesties of the last twenty-nine years of Liberal rule has been encouraged and entitlement nurtured, by an unscrupulous Media and its need to maintain control of Government by profiting from its dysfunctional performance.
Now that the puppet will no longer dance to the unjust tune the puppeteer threatens to "torpedo" its unwilling foil for their impudence.

Many are the sanctimonious investigative journalists who severely misjudge the PM, and do more harm than good to their cause because their agenda is not served by the PM's attempt to do the will of the people, not the media's need to manipulate the truth.

Winston Churchill has been quoted by those as saying that the media would carry the message to the people not the Government, but when that message carries with it the disease of misguided folly, it does nothing to further the cause of truth and renewal, but instead becomes a tool of those who would use it to their own benefit.

There are yet others members of the media who have been perceivably slighted by the fact they have been relegated the sidelines, and are particularly petulant that ones of their stature should be treated in such a way that their prestige is made to suffer.
It is by their own hand this is has been dealt them.

The Old Boys are mumbling and ruminating their cud about Harper's alleged arrogance, after thirteen years of tolerance of Liberal custodial dictatorship, how dare they have the brass nerve to call Steven Harper arrogant after the likes of Trudeau, Mulroney, Chrétien and Martin?
Did any of they try to change the way Parliament has done business for the last four decades? Did any of them stand up for Canada, or try changing the dirty lies that bought us to the brink of the abyss?

Why then the relentless criticism about communication when no matter what is said will be misrepresented by those who have a personal axe to grind on their own behalf?
Why the need for the Government continually provide cannon fodder to the media for the sake of their profits and more falling trees?

Sorry dear boys this claim is at best an astral stretch, hardly worthy of a so-called objective Press.

I submit to you that the Media are and have been the true purveyors of insidious arrogance all along, and this has been and will continue to escalate into a power struggle between the new PM and his unworthy an dishonest detractors, who have the most to lose in a new free Canada.

No the real truth can be found in the blogosphere where true journalism is alive and well and flourishes, and still has need to establish itself as apart from the dying medium of the print and television's partisan and ulterior motives.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Ethanol Alternative

With gasoline prices at the pumps ranging anywhere from .84 to $1.09 per liter, the highest since the holiday season one can only wonder how high the ceiling is before the walls cave in.

In the east the sense of entitlement to Alberta crude is outrageous and extremely audacious, considering that Alberta's influence over the Government has been ignored up until the time the Harper administration took power…

There is a viable solution to
our chronic dependence that like all other nations have on the hydrocarbon fuels.
We have an abundance of this raw material here in the east and elsewhere in this wonderful Country of ours.

The fuel is corn and it is readily available for processing with the right Government support initiatives behind its development.
You know it as "Ethanol blend" at the pumps and currently we only add 05% ethanol to current octane products available.

Yes it's true that soon legislation will pass into law which will make the sale of gasoline illegal without it containing 05% ethanol, but that is the tip of the iceberg concerning the need to expedite the necessity of pushing the envelope with the current windfall profiteering of a barrel of oil threatening to break $70.00 a barrel soon.

Presently motor vehicles can be run on 85% ethanol, but engineering changes will be necessary, as its new combustion properties must be accommodated for in the automotive industry.
The draw backs concerning this alternative at 85% is that the fuel burns hotter which will effect the cooling of the engine block, but the gains are substantial with it burning much more completely improving the efficiency of the automobile, and helping to reduce varnish deposits in the engine and pollution emissions into the environment.

One thing is certain, the oil industry is certain to put them selves out of business as we are going broke trying to get to the work place, and daily the cost of a liter of fuel has been eating away at all of our resources.

We cannot sustain its ever-increasing demands to the costs to doing business on its dirty greedy terms…

The writing is on the wall!

We must heed it, or pay an enormous price for failure.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Hand that Feeds You

A certain percentage of Canadians have for decades been steeping in the false sense that Canada is sovereign and beholding to none.

Let me remind the fools and indolent that our greatest trading partner and first client has been, the greatest benefactor in the western world for the last sixty-one years, and is still now today.

Can it be that we are importing anti-American sentiment from third world baggage that the socialist faction exacts as integral support to his or her own flourishing in Canada?

If not examine the need to exert our moral superiority over our good neighbors, but maybe more is the need to examine our own intestinal inferiority.

No it is much easier for us to us to take refuge behind the robes of our southern brothers and while they beat the drum, we as a nation sleep soundly at night, safe in the knowledge that no foreign power would be suicidal enough to attack Canada right… wrong!

Sovereignty cannot be called upon, as an excuse for those that want not to share any risk when matters the most. This is the truth that the red legions can no longer conceal or their contempt of the truth…

We consider Americans arrogant and ignorant, but who is the more ignorant if we follow our perceived example of them. We may then understand the trauma that makes us the victims of our own arrogance.

Is it not because we have lost the confidence and culture that gave us a national identity before the architects of socialism gave us a multi-cultural self-conscientiousness?

With this dangerous and divisive ideology, an incrementally tool of the misguided overtaking our post World War II attitude of wealth, prosperity, and oneness we have voluntarily capitulated our hold on our own future well-being and unique dignity.

The socialist combine would dearly like to accept the accolades of the economic regeneration of control of a runaway deficit after decades of declining economics.
The truth is that without the consistent chastisements of Manning's Reform party the socialists would have beggared us to the status of "honorary members of the third world", but instead are more than willing to take the credit that it was their idea in the first place.

Without the NAFTA agreement with America and Mexico (made by the Tories in 1994) the elitist socialist would not have been able to "piggyback" onto the US economic successes, and thus enable them to annunciate their bogus claim of economic brilliance for deeds that were curried by their former rivals, to retain power at all costs.
The costs of Canadian healthcare, education, and public service pensions.

Yes it is true that Americans are hated and envied for their power throughout the greater World at large, and confused and unfair as it may seen it is still our duty to council, admonish, and celebrate the real reason we have great cause to call her our "best friend".

Let us be thankful for the hand that nurtures and protects a grateful and worthy friend!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Seal Hunting 101

Seal Hunting 101 When legendary household icons of the past and blond TV bimbos busting out of their evening gowns, promoting inhumane anti-sealing rights rubbish... something they know nothing about, names like Sir Paul McCartney, Brigitte Bardot, Alanis Morrisett, and Pamela Anderson are but a few and it's high time they all attended the class of Seal Hunting 101.

If the anti-sealing lobbyists (IFAW) had done their homework they’d know the reason why the hunters use a club instead of a gun. When shot at a seal can escape wounded into the frozen waters only to die a slow painful uncertain death. The leg-hold traps of the past have long been banned, and still the most human way of cull is by the controversial "hakapik".

The Seal population consumes over thirty million fish every year and that figure is taken from our fishing jurisdictions alone, and after all harvesting quotas have been filled.

A large number of those fish are of the cod family and along with the management of those historic stocks which the former Liberal Government's of the Trudeau area whored away to the Russian and Polish drag fleets, who vacuumed off the floor of the Grand Banks, are both directly responsible for our Atlantic fishing fleet having been all but rendered impotent.

Canada is one of five Nations harvesting the seal population; the others include Greenland, Namibia, Norway, and Russia. No one of those five nations has more stringent regulations regarding its seal harvesting procedures. Canada outlawed the killing of "whitecoats" (the cute little white harp seal) and infant hooded seals "bluebacks" over nineteen years ago yet these zealots dreg up those same horrific images, and choose Canada to make the example of their misguided folly.

Why do they repetedly choose our Country to make a scourge of themselves?

Can it be that we are the only one those nations would entertain an ounce of tolerance with their ignorant pursuit of using Canada's influence as a pawn to turn the other sealing harvesters from their murderous ways?

Can it be that these fanatical lobby groups are the operatives of Green Peace and their institutions of monetary funding?

If they are so outraged why not let the celebrity proponents of this movement pool their common wealth together, and pay the seal hunters their wages to stay at home, and not to harvest the seal populace, and that way they can put their big wallets where their vaults of money are, and not the subject of their haughty moral values?