The old boy's network is at it again…
If they can't trip up Harper by putting him in a disingenuous spot or get a quote they can later use to hang him out to dry on, they attempt to get one of his Ministers to commit to a public gaff. As you will no doubt remember it was the loose canons, flying off at the mouth that cost Harper the 2002 election to Martin.
Is it any wonder how Harper has had to limit communication with the mainstream media out for his blood? He not only has to combat three other parties on the left, but the double crossing leftist Media who will sacrifice any one or ideal to scoop a story as well, meanwhile they snivel and whine like the hungry cur that they are.
If they wish to engage in cordial questioning then they can start by having the requisite respect for the man who gave Canadians a viable option to the Liberal corruption of the last thirteen years, a man who won enough hearts and minds in Canada to elect him to a minority Government. Instead we get the blatant display of contempt and entrapment the elitist print and television Media are demonstrating. If they display an adversarial attitude they will be mirrored unto the double-edged sword that they are destined to fall on.
This Government is refusing to take the bait of biting on the socialist Media's attempt to expose their deluded perception of the alleged Harper hidden agenda. The new PM is light years ahead of their ploy to sell their usual rubbish to an ignorant and waning public interest, into their obvious propaganda to discredit his attempt to change the way business to done in Parliament and in the media.
The Old Boys network doesn't like not being able to pull Harper or his Minister's strings the way they have for over forty years now and complains bitterly that there is less on the banquet table for them to gormandize their decadent appetites on, now that they have made themselves unwelcome interlopers on the spoils of their new host.
More and more is the discovery that the travesties of the last twenty-nine years of Liberal rule has been encouraged and entitlement nurtured, by an unscrupulous Media and its need to maintain control of Government by profiting from its dysfunctional performance. Now that the puppet will no longer dance to the unjust tune the puppeteer threatens to "torpedo" its unwilling foil for their impudence.
Many are the sanctimonious investigative journalists who severely misjudge the PM, and do more harm than good to their cause because their agenda is not served by the PM's attempt to do the will of the people, not the media's need to manipulate the truth.
Winston Churchill has been quoted by those as saying that the media would carry the message to the people not the Government, but when that message carries with it the disease of misguided folly, it does nothing to further the cause of truth and renewal, but instead becomes a tool of those who would use it to their own benefit.
There are yet others members of the media who have been perceivably slighted by the fact they have been relegated the sidelines, and are particularly petulant that ones of their stature should be treated in such a way that their prestige is made to suffer. It is by their own hand this is has been dealt them.
The Old Boys are mumbling and ruminating their cud about Harper's alleged arrogance, after thirteen years of tolerance of Liberal custodial dictatorship, how dare they have the brass nerve to call Steven Harper arrogant after the likes of Trudeau, Mulroney, Chrétien and Martin? Did any of they try to change the way Parliament has done business for the last four decades? Did any of them stand up for Canada, or try changing the dirty lies that bought us to the brink of the abyss?
Why then the relentless criticism about communication when no matter what is said will be misrepresented by those who have a personal axe to grind on their own behalf? Why the need for the Government continually provide cannon fodder to the media for the sake of their profits and more falling trees?
Sorry dear boys this claim is at best an astral stretch, hardly worthy of a so-called objective Press.
I submit to you that the Media are and have been the true purveyors of insidious arrogance all along, and this has been and will continue to escalate into a power struggle between the new PM and his unworthy an dishonest detractors, who have the most to lose in a new free Canada.
No the real truth can be found in the blogosphere where true journalism is alive and well and flourishes, and still has need to establish itself as apart from the dying medium of the print and television's partisan and ulterior motives. |